Darts: Throwing the Arrows… and Occasionally Hitting the Target

This is a topic I’ve been meaning to get up and running for a little while. A thread for those of us who don’t mind throwing arrows to pass the time.

For those who play in a league, let me know which one you play in, I play in the South West Gippsland Darts League. This is my first season playing pub darts and loving it. Yet to throw a 180 (hit 4 casually) but have a comp 171 and highest peg so far is a 60.

Also feel free to share your home setup - I’m currently setup on the alfresco with a cabinet and Winmau Blade 5 board which has served me well for 4 years frequently rotating. I’m looking to shortly upgrade and move my setup into my garage to keep a bit warmer in winter and reduce wind and include a surround with light.

Barrels I throw with are Target Crux 24g (middle), and while I love them, I’m also ■■■■■■ about getting Swiss point tips which seem to love snapping and then having to buy more points. Also have some 22g Red Dragon Freestyle (left) and 24g Designa Dark Thunder (right).

Anyway, know this won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but thought I’d put it out there. Also if anyone uses the DartConnect app, happy to play some games (I’m now around a mid 40s avg when taking into account how ■■■■ I am at checking out).


I’m a mad darts fan.

I watch Premier league every Friday morning. The final was amazing.

I have a home setup and pkay socially the first Tuesday of every month.

I’ll post photos when I get home.

My family and extended family now watch 2 weeks of darts over Christmas!!!

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This is the first year I’ve religiously watched the Prem.

The WC over Christmas and New Years is a treat.

Who’s your fav pro? I love the Bully Boy.

Yup Smith is my favourite. I was gutted when he lost to Wright 3 years ago.

I also love Heavy Metal and DVD.

Heta is fun to watch as well.

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Started watching darts during the world Matchplay in 2019 and was hooked but I always drop off after the World Championship. Need to keep my focus on it for the entire year, haven’t watched a second of the premier league being on a Friday morning.

Been playing for a year and have joined a couple of local comps. No 180s yet but I got a 174 when warming up the other week

If I go and have a throw after work, ill take a couple of photos of my set up


Can’t recall a more recent live sports event that had me going more nuts than this


We were on holidays and I’d set my alarm at 5 or 6am to watch live in bed on my phone.
When that happened I couldn’t keep quiet and I woke up my wife. let’s just say she wasn’t happy.

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I hit my first and only about 3 months ago.

Not a pretty one but I’ll take it. I could post 20 photos of very close ones!


My first (and I got two on the same night) was the drubbing we got from Port. I had the ■■■■■ and stopped watching and threw darts. I think I posted it in the match thread.

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We play at the Albion Charles in North Fitzroy. They have 3 pristine boards and no one uses them. It’s like having your own dart venue.


Played Pub Darts in my youth, and really enjoyed it. Now I just fool around when the opportunity arises. I wonder where my darts are? Should be around somewhere.

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That was my first. Funnily enough they are my worst set of darts that I now leave for guests.

I think they are just a really basic Harrows set.

I’m completely left-handed and all but blind in my left eye. Not my go, I’m afraid.

At least you’d have an excuse.

I’m a lefty but I feel I have to throw with my right because of my right being my lead eye

I’m left handed and the most uncoordinated person on Earth but cant throw left handed

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Word Cup doubles coming up.
Does Heta play with Whitlock again?

He said in an interview last month or so that he was playing in it. Loved the new pairs format and looking forward to trying to win it back.

I loved my Johnny Clayton 23g Red Dragons but the grip wore down very quickly.

Have you ever been to Dart World in Wantirna?? It’s darting nirvana.
6 dart boards setup, open fire and as many darts as you want to try out.


Yep been there a lot this year and well looked after every time I’ve gone.

I was recently at a place in Gladstone Park which has 4 boards setup, to just go in throw, throw in some beers. Their stock is nothing on Dartworld though.

Edit: place is called the Dart Cave.

Also recently found a bloke at my local Sunday market who has his own bar sports company with access to most darts items I see online.

Dartworld is an event thing for me, I can’t just run in and run out, I throw for a while. Mix up new things, talk some crap. Really nice place.

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Yeah dartworld is fantastic. I live locally so go in whenever I need something.