Darts: Throwing the Arrows… and Occasionally Hitting the Target

These are the heaviest I’ve thrown and don’t plan on getting a new set, Im used to them and really like the grip

And there is no more space in our garage. The other walls all have tools on them or shelves with boxes , or are too close to the car

I don’t own the house anyway :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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That’s my setup and this year I’m getting ■■■■■■ throwing in the cold.

So I’m making a plan to move into the garage by the end of winter. New board, new surround (no more cabinet) and light system.


This might be the worst leg I’ve ever played

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This is the extent of my knowledge.

Oi Oi Oi!


Playing out in Garfield tonight… fully expecting a leg like that.

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Here is my setup. It’s inside with a door that go to the outside decking, so best of both worlds.

I love the lighting setup.
My first 3 warm up darts were ok!


@jack_mack50 when you do your 63 dart double exercise what order do you do?
1 to 20 then bull??

That’s it

And if I hit on the first, I still throw the final two at the same target to see if I can stack them and count that number twice in the total.

Ie it might go 2, 4, 8, 8, 15, 17, 20, 20

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Shattered. Thought I’d hit my first champagne shot


Taking this a good sign before the game, tonight


World Cup of darts starts tonight.

Australia goes ok, even against some the the giants.

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About to start @The_Ant

Kiwis just missed upsetting the Germans

Skin of their teeth stuff from Whitlock and Heta. Heta was ■■■■■… Whitlock carried him for most of that.

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I watch the replay in the morning. I just pop it on at work.

Hate why I lived the premier league. It was a Friday morning ritual.

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You aren’t wrong. Friday is normally a day at home for me and a nice way to login from home, have my brekkie, coffee and procrastinate on emails while watching the PL

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I swear Jose De Sousa is a spitting image of a certain ex AFL CEO that we all despise


Aussie lose. Serious pub darts.

Heta is so out of form.

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That was a fair choke job at the end.

Those were the first darts ive watched in many months, always fall off badly after the world championship.

Well done Italy, hope they go onto win an unlikely world cup. Probably wont happen though

I thought it said “Draft”

Good time to watch at the moment, world match play happening all week.

All the favourites from the first night getting through. Humphries looked mint in his match.

Due to the Euro final, adjusted start times today means the day sesh is starts at 9pm here. Boom!

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