Dumb Questions Amnesty

And French…adroit from right (droit) and awkward (gauche) from left.

But that’s just ignorant prejudice from you bible-bashers

We’ll pray for you.

Does Corbys new job involve her being locked up again?

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I think you religious types prefer to “prey on” rather than “pray for”.

PS i know you’re not really a bible-basher, dingus.

Although bugman says you are.

The only thing less trustworthy than a lefty is a Julian Morrow impersonator.

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with occasional impersonations as Chris Judd?

Well known Communist is Mr B Man.

The Communism is one of his more endearing traits.

Arrowroot biscuits.


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To make biscuit bases with, that’s all I can think of.

Try with butter and Vegemite… sensational!

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Good dunkers.

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Yep, try making a hedgehog or those rum ball truffle things without them…

Come to think of it, I made this hedgehog without them once. Substituted with the ode Chicolate Ripple biscuits. Was fantastic!

Try it with Oreos - nice :slight_smile:

Challenge accepted.

The Vegemite thing sounds just bizarre enough to work.

I’ll try that next time.

Yeah, that’d be a thing, … there’s another bikkie that I normally use that escapes me now, … but they’d do, so.that is one use, …

Actually,… I accidentally left them out o/night & they softened, … sandwiched with butter and a scrape of Honey,… then dunked ala Boot,… they made a worthy bedtime snack.

(Considered that that concoction dipped in Chocolate would make them amazing)

Lot of trouble to go to to get them edible though …

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Why is it a hedgehog slice? Looks nothing like a hedgehog.

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Marie biscuits are the same, right.

Teddy bear biscuits probably not to much different, but you’d never go teddy bear without the chocolatey coating. Never.

You take that back!!

I’ll have you know we lived on Teddy Bear biscuits (& cold baked beans) during a 3 day in a row total fire ban when we were surf-camping as teens.

Good times.

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Now when I were young…

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