Dustin Martin is Chopsticking with Richmond

I’d offer 1.5, just to ■■■■ Richmond off

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He would find it where ever he was drafted.

Well it Depends
If he is smart he has earned good coin for a few years, you would assume he owns his own house outright - the rest of us will spend the next 10 years paying ours off.

so expenses

  • food $10000
  • rates $5000
  • water$1000
  • coke $20,000
  • travel to dad $10,000
    Vehicle $10,000
    Entertainment $20,000
    clothing $10000

Thats only $86000

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Get your drift Barnz. There are similarities but they start and finish.

A person’s interests and connections and; the company they keep and what they choose to do in their down time. The EFC, DO NOT need the drama and the baggage that comes with this bloke and follow him like a shadow. We are coming out of the other side of something which could have destroyed this club, its support base and its sponsors, we do not need to step foot back into similar territory.

I don’t need the grief and drama of a reply 2 months after the post.

Yep and he’s blotter.

In an exorbitant lifestyle, eating out at the best restaurants, you could spend all that budget solely on food.
All relative, I guess.
Lol at vehicle 10,000.

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On SEN’s Hungry for Sport
Russell Barwick from UNIBET stated a rumour, ‘from a significant source’, regarding Dusty.

The Swans will be retiring two players.
And trading (he didn’t mention names but made some obvious)
One to Melb - Zac Jones.
Collingwood - I assume Reid.
WB - i assume Tippett.

And making a massive play for Martin

It sounds like something you’d read on BIGFOOTY


well it depends that was just running costs, real estate agents that do voer 20,000kms per year wouldnt spend more than that unless you are including depreciation.
His minder probably drives him anyway. :slight_smile:

Jesus this thread got sh*t quick


I lived in NYC up until a year ago - rent was just under US$4k per month and when i wasn’t working i was eating out lavishly, traveling frequently, going to music festivals etc. and just generally not paying much attention to outgoings, and i spent about US$95k in the year on myself (i have no dependents). A$150k - ~$3k a week - for someone with no dependents is an extremely comfortable lifestyle, especially considering professional AFL players get a lot of day-to-day expenses covered by the club.

That said, i suspect some AFL players go through more than $150k p.a. just on their own account pretty easily.

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Deckham. Why the fark did you go back here again? I hate discussing money and lifestyle on Blitz. It drives me mental.

We’re already at the super deal stage of trade talks and there’s still two months to go before the season ends.

If you’re talking pure $'s, sure. If you’re talking about the difference versus what’s he on now, the uplift, then no it doesn’t.
It will still be X% vs Y%. And lol at $150k pa for an “exorbitant” lifestyle. How much do people think good houses in good suburbs cost?

PLUS SUPER ■■■■■■■


Sorry :frowning:

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Too bad you were banned when the Hurley thread went nuts last year. That was entertaining.

I’d believe it.

Jones has been rumoured to want to come back to Melbourne for a while, Reid is overplayed for what he produces, so too tippet.

So do the swans, off load those three for whatever you can get, throw the extra cap space at Martin, plus the extra money they got from the Players agreement and they would easily fit him in.

So Tippet who signed a big dollar contract extension and by media reports likes Sydney gets traded to the Dogs who will be happy to pay his massive contract on this years form…

Even if Sydney are willing to lose him for a forth round pick, that contract is going to be a sticking point.