Explain LinkedIn to me

What the hell is this service for?


I signed up. Instantly a few clients of mine want to 'connect' or something. So that's fine. Now all my competition in town want to also? What the hell? Now people I have no idea about but happen to work in the same town as me want to also? 





Useful for looking for jobs (I've had 2 semi offers from contact's recommendations, a few interviews from jobs advertised there, and 2 or 3 semi offers from absolute blow-ins).

Annoying as hell the other 99% of the time.



Probably useless for people running a business with no intention of working for others.

It has made recruiting consultants very lazy.

There is nothing to explain. It's pointless.

There is nothing to explain. It's pointless.

See that's what I've thought for a long long time but it refuses to die so I figured it must have had some purpose?

I'm on the wagon of "will check in every now and then until I figure out an actual use for it"

I endorse Rolo for Blitz Posting.

I'm on the wagon of "will check in every now and then until I figure out an actual use for it"

It's pretty good for looking for jobs (at least in white collar work).

Less ■■■■ than seek etc anyway.

It has made recruiting consultants very lazy.

Yep. Can do their whole jobs basically from one site.

I've had a couple of people send me job offers. But that's over the course of like 3 years. And I only go on if someone wants to add me anyway. And sometimes for stalking girls that sound alright over the phone if I can't find them on Facebook.

I've had a couple of people send me job offers. But that's over the course of like 3 years. And I only go on if someone wants to add me anyway. And sometimes for stalking girls that sound alright over the phone if I can't find them on Facebook.

HAP endorses Davo for the following skills:


Jobs, networking, some interesting info if you follow the right people, industry news and forums if you subscribe to them, and occasional events. I have a consulting business and get regular contacts because of that - once I weed out the dodgy Indian companies can be useful. I actually think it's really good if you have your own business because it gives you the chance to promote it. I attend events occasionally also - I'm off to one tomorrow night at Young & Jacksons.

The Facebook for businesses.


My uni made a big deal out of it being essential for graduates to have when applying for jobs etc. I check in about once a week.


There is nothing to explain. It's pointless.

See that's what I've thought for a long long time but it refuses to die so I figured it must have had some purpose?


Same. I just accept requests thinking it must mean something. By the way dd you get mine invite? I have no idea why I did it, I can just ring you anyway



There is nothing to explain. It's pointless.

See that's what I've thought for a long long time but it refuses to die so I figured it must have had some purpose?


Same. I just accept requests thinking it must mean something. By the way dd you get mine invite? I have no idea why I did it, I can just ring you anyway


Herein lies the problem, it recommends plenty of people I know but either don't want to contact or would rather contact in a more convenient way.

Its rubbish…and annoying.

It’s mainly for singles.

seems to be a status thing for how many contacts you have.

I’ get about one opportunity a month to go for an interview that is either sideways, below or not relevant to my current skill set.

Interestingly though the company I work for has now started working with what are effectively PIs to dig dirt in prospective candidates. Gotta be real careful what you make up on your resume these days.

Business Tinder

It’s linked and it’s in.