Fan boycott

Just the way the club likes it.

And just as quickly as real member preferred representatives are elected, they are effectively marginalised and ultimately constructively engineered out again.

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The club is at an all time low. We the people who care about its success so much should band together to starve our club of money to make them stronger.


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No different to most Boards, as they say that it gives Boards the option of bringing in skills that are needed. In my experience, it also give Chairpersons the chance to stack the odds in their favour.

Even if Sheedy needed to be voted in, he would. Don’t forget the ‘messiah’ complex the club has.

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No disrespect to those you are talking about, but it is very hard not to get marginalised if you do not have the majority with you, and it is just as easy to get drafted over to the dark side.

Blokes like Little and Brasher didn’t get to the top for their good looks, they are clever, charming and very cunning.

I would never vote for an ex player on the Board, except for James Hird.


I understand the realities, but as Darli says, to suggest that members can truly influence via the vote is at best not entirely accurate.

Old Brasher wasn’t even as cunning as Dank- epic governance fail.

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For all the chest beating in here, lets be honest, EFC fans (including Blitzers) never do anything in dramatic protest.


I do remember you saying this a year or so ago, and someone was trying to tell you otherwise. Wonder what they think now

Never said it was easy, but it is possible but you need six great candidates, and it may take three elections.

I will read the EFC constitution again, as I think you can get an entire Board spill if enough Members demand it, but there is so much lethargy in the Membership that this maybe harder.

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Oh dear god

Yes, what do you want my child ?


According to the clubs website 7 of the board members “joined” & only 3 were elected. Now Brasher for example has since had to be re-elected but as you point out the majority of members don’t vote so retaining a spot is infinitely easier than initially getting elected.

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An empty stadium for our 150th year celebration against Carlton would be a great start.

■■■■ this club, seriously.


Effort from our players worthy of our attendance. You can accept mediocrity if you like. And Hird, he was Mr Peptide himself. Knew everything. “Not as good as ours” email re program


Which is why a rival ticket would seem to be the only plausible (albeit still seemingly unlikely) option.

Will ring the club tomorrow and enquire about a North Melbourne membership. Let’s be honest, even they will put the money to better use.



We are all frustrated and angry, but I agree with @Bacchusfox with members having at least a voice in terms of votes. I personally do vote when given the opportunity and put my hand up to say I have been sold into voting for past players/legends of the club (e.g. Wellman/Sheedy). In that I can say I have been complicit to a degree with what appears to be a ‘boys club’ mentality in voting with my heart rather than my head. I have voted remembering how great they were on field or in the coaches box rather than looking at the credentials as a Board Member of those putting up their respective tickets.

For us mere members though, I feel we need a united front though to get behind. An individual sending an individual email can be lost/ignored, but if we had a ticket/letter to the club backed by hundreds or, dare I dream, thousands of Essendon members, surely the club would have to take notice and at least respond (at this stage, ANY communication would be an improvement).

I don’t have the necessary clout to be able to bring something like this together, I wish I did as it can be too easily read that I just want ‘someone else’ to do something. But I would absolutely back in a collective effort by those far better positioned, and far more eloquent, than I who can articulate our frustrations and outline and drive arguments for meaningful change.

As angry and despondent as I am, I feel I wouldn’t be happy but could at least understand if the club had come out to say ‘I know you’re disappointed, but we’re going to back in the plan we set in place at the end of 2020 and for that we need stability at every level’. For mine, in the club’s 150th year where we were sold a vision that hasn’t come to fruition, it’s the lack of communication from the CEO and President in particular of the club that feels pretty disrespectful at the moment.

Hepp was left out to dry in that horrible interview, our senior players (Merrett/Shiel) are disrespected on field and the players didn’t fight for the jumper to support them, and after a sugar hit last quarter win vs the Hawks we get a reality check vs the Swans and this is really the time they want to announce a 2 year contract extension for Xavier Campbell? I feel the club is out of touch with its supporter base and would love to send a message to the club that us as fans can’t stand to see our once great club fall so low as to be the joke of the competition.


It would be the best statement ever but it would never happen.

Too many happy clappers. Too many that aren’t as invested in the teams fortunes that will get the scarf out of the old drawer for the first time this year just because we are playing Carlton. Too many that don’t keep track of the team’s weekly fortunes, on and off the field. Too many that get overly sensitive if you even dare criticise the club - “iF YoU CaN’T SuPpoRt Us iN OuR BaD TiMeS, DoN’T cOmE bAcK wHeN wE aRe GoOd agAIn” - what? 2045?