Yeah, I had heaps of taped stuff - Licenced to Ill, Beatles, Lovesexy… but obviously not bought with my own money. My mum bought me a vinyl copy of Julian Lennon’s, Mr Jordan, when I showed interest in his fathers band. Why, she did that, I do not know.
Edit: btw @wimmera1 I bought Rust in Peace from the Wimmera Music Centre. (Was that what it was called?)
First gig was Redhouse Roll Band with John Dallimore on guitar together with Renee Geyer - they played at our school formal.
First album was Alice Coopers Welcome to my Nightmare.
First Concert: I was the same age as @davethedon when I saw Jesus Christ Superstar at the Palais in 1974. Like him it blew me away though a lot of it went over my head.
The soundtrack became my first cassette, played on a little mono cassette player that I loved.
However my first real concert was Electric Light Orchestra at the Myer Music Bowl in 1978. They had frickin’ laser beams!
First record was Kate Bush - Lionheart.
First CD. Dire Straits - Love over Gold. I clearly remember being startled when the music began as there was no crackle or pops from the needle on a record to warn me that it was about to start.
First mp3? Who the hell knows? Part of my early love for music was pouring over the liner notes. Looking at the photos. Searching for any special guest artists that I knew. I think we’ve lost a part of the experience of playing music, while no doubt gaining huge convenience.
My first concert was John Farnham around whispering jack era. I dragged along as we went as a whole family. The first concert I went to by choice was Alice Cooper.
First album was a cassette, Great Southern Land by Icehouse I think
First CD Iron Maiden, either Killers or Somewhere in Time
First mp3 album Mutter by Rammstein bought from one of those dodgy Russian sites that I don’t think we’re very legal
I was too late to get onto the Napster wagon, but I well and truly mined a similar “service” called Audio Galaxy in the early 00’s. I’ve got a truckload of DVD’s full of tracks I downloaded from it. Eventually they tried to legitimise themselves, changed their name and introduced subscription. It was short-lived and they quickly went the way of the dodo. It was great while it lasted (in its free form…)
I still blame it for my first email address being spammed into oblivion though…
Yeah, i religiously browsed some P2P service whose name i’ve long forgotten, downloading 5Mb mp3s at 2Kb/s (if you’re lucky). It went out of support and the user base vanished as soon as torrents became a thing. It was great while it lasted though, when the only way to get most tracks was to pay $25 for a full album-length CD (which sucked hard when i was delivering the local paper for $9.02/week). I had a wonderful music library for a while there, but got lazy with my backups and lost it all in a hard disk crash
When we went to Cambodia and Laos in 2010-ish, every market and internet cafe (remember them…) would have a “mp3 service”. They’d have a large book or folder of all the available songs/albums you could get for a nominal fee (suffice to say… a bare fraction of iTunes costs). All you had to do was tell them what you wanted, leave your mp3 player with them, come back in 10 minutes, lo and behold the files would be there waiting for you when you returned. Of course they’d copy your entire music library in the process enabling their service to further grow…
It did make me laugh… quite entrepreneurial of them really…
First CD. By brother had Pantera, Cowboys from Hell on CD but we didn’t have a CD player until I got one for my 18th birthday not long after - so that’s the first one that got a play. Think he might have got a hint as to what I was getting. I pretty much commandeered that CD for a long time.
I think mine was Entombed, Left Hand Path, but somehow that doesn’t seem to quite make sense. I’ll have to do google search on my memory.