Former #31 Dustin Fletcher

Kornes very shrewd at winding up the average footy fan.


If Lloyd had seethed more on FC in 2013 it might have actually done some good.


Watched a clip of it on Facebook.

Tbf to Cornes he said he should be in straight away but pondered the scenario, mentioned something about Jobe should have his brownlow etc. I dunno lost attention.

Of course guanciale couldn’t help herself and jumped all over Cornes suggestion gagging for Fletcher to be made to wait for his elevation.

Cant stand that witch feel sorry for her husband who’s an Essendon supporter

I’m not sure you’ll get away with that one but any suggestion that Fletch is not one of the greatest players of all time is all time stupid.

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He made his football career by being an annoying little prick, and he is doing the same in his media career.

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And the unfathomable ones that watch that turd of a show.

HTF does any EFC person actually willingly turn on and listen to that Wilson creature??

That just fries my fkn circuits, fair dinkum. no

I can’t help myself - I watch all of them too. Every week!

I would blame the lockdown on this…but I’ve been doing this for years.

It’s a problem, I know :joy:

Won’t watch her now. I used to a long time ago, say 30 years or so, when she was on with Sheehan and was actually decent.

How do you people watch this rubbish? Especially when football isn’t even on.


I’m pretty sure we asked you not to watch these shows anymore last year?

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Yes, and I was defiant in my obsession in watching them! :joy:

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Hall of Fame is rubbish. When people talk about Dustin in 20 years time whether he is or isn’t in the Hall of Fame wont be part of discussion.

More important for the players and there families.

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Yes, let’s everyone ‘move on’. The players and Essendon supporters need to get over it. Great advice. Great advice.

However, in the meantime, allow us media experts and the rest of the known world to continue to regurgitate and admonish the players at every opportunity.

It will never change.


FFS! It’s Cornes and Wilson. What do you expect? One imbecile looking for the next headline, and a vicious old hag. Par for the course for these two.


when the FK did kane kornes become so relevant? he’s been the buzz person since the pre season. why does anyone care what his opinion is?


I must say, I respect the fact that unlike most ex-footy player media types, he doesn’t change or curb his opinion in order to not offend any friends he might have in the industry. Most likely because he doesn’t have any friends but still haha.
I reckon 50% of the time I can’t stand what he says and the other 50% I agree with him.

I ignore what he says. Don’t listen to his radio show, read by is crap or watch his shows.
Like many sports journos they aren’t in it for the love of the game.
They’re in it to create something to talk about to keep them relevant and to keep them getting paid.
He reaches a large scale of the audience. As does Caro. As does the Purple one. As do many others.
Even people who can’t stand what they say are drawn to them.

I prefer to ignore. Keeps my blood pressure down and anger levels to a minimum.


He has an audience because deep down, people like to be outraged. It’s entertaining.