Game of Thrones TV series *SPOILERS*: Let's wait for Season 8 Sesīr kipi!

Euron got a blade to the neck (one using blade and rope)… Should ne fatal, but only a Greyjoy…

So Littlefinger is totally gonna f*ck over Jon Snow/Sansa.

I hoping Brianne will do her job and save a Stark

Does anyone else find the first two episodes this season a bit different? I can’t put my finger on it, but they don’t have the same feeling to them… maybe just me.

I think it’s been getting less clever and not as well plotted for a while.
Still good.

Mrs Wim was funny. I think the time away from the series has made her forget.
I was kind of like, what? You thought it was going to be bunny rabbits and rainbows for the last two seasons?

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Gone from adapting books to being written for TV.
It shows, IMO.

That happens in the books too… Meereen lasts about 7000 pages without anything really happening, meanwhile other threads of the plot fly through.
He let himself get waaaay off pace on some plot lines and needed to pad others out to make it all fit.

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How about the switch from Sam getting the bed pans to then serving the stew to the Maisters


Just watched the first 2 episodes, I know i’m backtracking but the opening scene to the first episode was a thing of beauty.


He is hungry for power, so bet your ■■■■ that he will suck up to Cersi to take the North (or equivilant land size) to back stab.

As a kid, he had the hots for Sansa’s mum… but he also came from a family that had one of the ‘fingers’ as a land title (basically a castle like home on a slither of land) but wants more hence his bird signia that he wears which he made himself.

One big change is that they are now writing all their own dialogue without borrowing or paraphrasing lines from the book…

Wtf was Sansa wearing?

Some weird S&M chain around her?

Property of Jon?

I will ponder that for several hours and get back to you.

I want Sansa to die the most horrible death the show has ever seen.

So was that Nymeria or not?

Episode two was great. The return of reek.

I agree, I’ve really liked both the episodes.

Already looking far better than last season, but that’s probably because stuff is actually happening.

Sea battle was shot very poorly though. Lacked the class of the battles of the last 2 episodes of season 6.

That’s a pretty high bar though, especially for episode 2.

I reckon the last two episodes of this season will be friggin insane.

And I actually thought the boat battle was ok. Not battle of the bastards good for sure, but it was ok.

I think when you set the bar that high, then tell the audience this is the best of the best (on both sides) of pirates/corsairs in that universe, then one just wipes the other with nary a worry. Questions have to be asked of the writers/director/producers.