Game of Thrones TV series *SPOILERS*: Let's wait for Season 8 Sesīr kipi!

Or Jon getting from Winterfell to Dragonstone in heartbeat.

Are people wanting captions stating - 6 weeks later? This would solve the supposed time warp issues. We have spent 6 seasons slowly moving with characters and now that they are jumping through to action people aren’t happy.


I’m fine with it.

That would be good, actually. I do find it a liitle off putting when they jump to a different location so far away from one scene to the next involving movement of so many people.

The MRP will need to clear their diaries on Monday with those selections.

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Yup, there was always huge jumps. People are only noticing it more now because there are less central story-lines.

Look at Dany’s travels ep to ep in S1.

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Yeah it’s so cool to see how that stuff is done. I’d love to be on set for a movie.

Game of Bones? Bow-chicka-bow-bow…

I’m apathetic with it too…and laconic.

Dragons, zombies, giants and smoke-ninjas that come out of vaginas are all cool, but unexplained passage of time? Fark that.


l imagine that Vary’s spy network is still functioning, but that doesn’t explain the transport logistics.

I’m nonplussed.

I’m sure I saw a horse gallop by with “You are passing another Fox” stamped on its rump.

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It amazes me that people can’t understand that the suspension of disbelief for dragons isn’t the same as consistency.

Consistency is what makes good story telling great.


I just reckon people need to accept there is boring dead-space between events that simply aren’t going to get shown. It’s far easier to say “how awesome is it to see dragon vs Lannister army? And chuck in some howling Dothraki for good measure!” than “But how did you get there? Dragonstone is miles away according to my map of Westeros!”. Just accept it and move on with enjoying the show.

Or to put it in simpler terms: Shut up, jerk-face

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The teleporting is even more pronounced when you consider that the White Walkers have spent 7 seasons taking for ages to cover the tiniest bit of land. They started heading south at the end of Season 2 and still havn’t even reached the wall!?!


Can’t say I give a ■■■■!

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Neither do I but I found it amusing, though unsurprising, that someone had sat down and done this.