Gaming Thread - PM Polydeukes your Gaming IDs

Does anyone know how GOW runs on PS4? I assume the thing is going to sound like a jet engine 90% of the time, but I’m still yet to find a compelling reason to spend the $$$ on a PS5.

I read it runs well on PS4. Obviously doesnt look quite as good as ps5 and no 60fps option but very playable.

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Definitely worth the upgrade over the PS4 lol.

Thanks! Sounds good enough to me.

Maybe eventually, but for me it’s not worth it just yet. GOW is the first PS exclusive that I’ve been excited for since the release of the PS5. If it runs well enough on PS4, then I’m not too worried. I’ve got a decent PC for everything else.

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I’m having a blast with GOW Raganork it’s the same game but way better.

Should beat Elden Ring for game of the year. I enjoyed Elden Ring but GOW is so much better as a package

You have to wonder about the future of PS should this deal actually go ahead. Rather than upgrading to PS5, maybe consider an Xbox…just saying…

…quote from article:
Sony says the deal will not only harm its ability to compete but will also leave consumers with less choice for gaming and developers with less choice for where to publish games. Microsoft is a “Tech Titan buying up irreplaceable content at incontestable prices ($68.7 billion) to tip competition to itself,” Sony said.

Microsoft has pledged to continue making Call of Duty available on Sony’s Playstation console, and recently made an offer to give Sony access to the game for the next 10 years. The offer was first reported by the New York Times. It’s not known how Sony responded to the offer…

end quote.

Sony response? My guess is :crossed_swords:

I have a PS5. Do not regret my decision one bit and not at all worried about the future.

Microsoft don’t have a single IP or studio under their ever expanding portfolio that I care about.

Gamepass is great value though.

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Just took a dive back into my teens/20s and bought a ps5 and am really annoyed with
A) the amount of downloads required
B) limited storage capacity
C) the many, many add ons and passes I need just to play the freaking games that I already bought.

Disc console
Ashes Cricket
fifa23 (digital)
Modern warefare
Fallen jedi (digital)
Grand theft auto V (digital)

Barely played a game since set up and get the feeling ill be installing and uninstalling components to ensure I can play between different games due to capacity. Early feel/review isnt great. Hope gameplay makes up for it.

GTA and cod are like 100+GB each if I remember right anyway, it sucks but modern games are simply bigger than ever

You can grab a cheap external HDD for storage and load games on there, I think you’ll have to move them across when you want to play them (game depending) but it’s better than re downloading them every time

You’ll never download /install that many games at once ever again though.

It does suck when you buy a game and want settle into a session and 100gb update before you can start.

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The new COD: Ground War maps are huge and very detailed.
It seems the developers have spent a lot of time on them. Even small buildings in the outskirts of the maps have multiple fitted out rooms etc. It’s pretty impressive from a game development perspective, but you do need a fast connection to play.

cos the wankstains cant do audio/texture compressions to save themselves

Nor will Sony because they believe in buying games only and not controlling developers like Bethesda (where Xbox get all exclusives).

I love Sony’s stance because they believe everyone should get access to games from big devs. From the limited devs that Sony bought, they haven’t restricted any game access to other companies.

Only one I cared about is Bethesda due to Fallout and Elder Scrolls.

I got use to installing and deleting games. once im done with the game i just delete it.

This is pure fanboyism.

Exclusivity debates go way back to the start of video gaming and every single console developer is guilty of it.

Sony was the one that bought in exclusivity to modern day gaming by doing crap like purchasing timed exclusive rights to GTA and boasts a bigger and far better library of PS-exclusive games than Microsoft. They also pulled the same thing in the PS4 generation by platform locking exclusives to give them the leg up over Microsoft who choked with the One/X gen. Last of Us, Spiderman, Horizon etc

It’s also been reported Microsoft wanted to explore cross-platform play (likely due to their failing profit margins) for big titles like COD, and Sony has blocked them at every point.

Microsoft is, funnily enough, the one that started the shift away from pure exclusivity by bringing in their play anywhere features in '16 and the only reason Sony is starting to finally change (by bringing in PC ports for exclusive releases) is because Microsoft has absolutely slaughtered them with Game Pass, and Sonys own version is absolute garbage.

They are both as bad as each other and always will be.

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I have no idea what you’re talking about? The only developers under Sony who will release games on xbox consoles are Bungie, and that’s because Bungie insisted on it as a condition of the buyout. It wasn’t Sony benevolence.

Sony Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Guerrilla, Insomniac etc are not releasing games on xbox (which is why I don’t care about xbox).

Sony have started dropping stuff a year later on pc, but they absolutely do not release on rival consoles.

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Yet they won’t release games like Elder Scrolls 6 and next Fallout or Starfield to Sony?