Gaz Snr. has lost the plot

it’s not denigrating to state a scientifically verifiable fact that something is made up.


lol you really can be silly sometimes

Warner Bros / Looney Tunes are Illuminati confirmed.

No offence taken. I’ve been a Christian 35 years. I’m used to the skepticism as I used to be a skeptic myself. But nothing has changed my mind in all that time. Especially off the cuff arguments that have not been thought out. No offence meant to people who have actually thought about it.

Ah, but which god are they referring to?
I’m a Zeus or Odin man myself.

I believe in Mother Cricket, does that count?

Mocking people’s religious beliefs. How very edgy.


So you hit your thumb with a hammer or stuff up a golf shot and you say Zeus or Odin - not Jesus Christ.

I guess the science you believe is also the one that states that something was made from nothing.

You speak with an authority you aren’t actually backing up.

Mmm, unless “Jesus” is spelt with an F and three subsequent letters, no. And I’ve injured myself with tools way too many times, lol.


But I’m closing this thread because it’s heading down an inevitable pathway. Plenty of other forums for a theological argument. Blitzers don’t need yet another topic on which to have a crack at each other.