General World News

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I was just reading how Albania is an underrated tourist destination. Pass

Don’t let it put you off, it’s an absolutely fantastic place and if you are on a budget it will come in well unders.


If it makes you feel better, the USA’s rate is like 10x higher


Another shooting, very limited details so far.

Would be a little bit racist to muse about how those gangs have come about?

It ain’t home grown afaik.

Also kind of a reason they have gone hard right politically.

Fair call … we hear of immigration tension in Sweden and the odd bad shooting where I am, but hadn’t clocked how rife guns and gangs had become. The table @Houli_Dooli posted putting them 2nd in Europe was a surprise … to me that is.

There is a lot in the world we don’t get to know about unless you are an absolute news hound and get news from varying sources.

We focus way too much on US politics (especially) or the Israel-Gaza situation.


Very true.
ABC rarely post much on the Ukraine/Russia war on the front section of their website but almost everyday write about Gaza/Israel. It isn’t balanced about world news which is frustrating.

PS I am not saying anything about their coverage of Gaza/Israel, just how unbalanced they to other important stories.

Domestic politics in Australia are consumed with positions on Israel and the US , with Dutton expoiting every opportunity to wedge the ALP .
What is neglected in reporting on Israel/Palestine is the stance of our regional neighbours with significant Muslim populations.

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At the end of the day there’s more Australians that don’t follow a religion than any one religious group.

I’d rather our government represented everyone in the best interests of humanity, rather than pander to these minority groups.


I like what you did there

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Tax the religions and forcibly acquire assets and land


Well the front pages here aren’t so much about the Gaza Israel war.

Moreso they are about synagogues being burnt to the ground, cars being bombed, graffiti being plastered over private homes and childcare centres.

I think that’s reasonably relevant to humanity.

I’m not Jewish or Muslim but I don’t like living under a culture of intimidation or fear against anyone. They must feel absolutely terrified,

I lived in a heavily Islamic neighbourhood in Sydney during the peak of the whole Islamic state terrorism stuff and it was very intimidating.

Police choppers over my suburb most evening and constant news stories about very ordinary things going on.

It didn’t make me feel any safer.

I just want our politicians to all get on the one side and dial down the rhetoric.

(Probably not a world news topic)


Can you imagine that?!

Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones on the back of a truck with a megaphone screaming ‘axe the tax!’ Dutts in the background

Except, any good Government represents everyone, and has a responsibility towards minorities who usually get treated poorly.

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Freedom of Religion laws in Australia really dictate policy to that effect.

So it will be interesting if Dutton attacks DEI work as Id assume a lot of the reason for that is because of the above.

I guess if it’s not your diversity requiring inclusion or equity then it doesn’t matter is LNP policy.

Maybe reading too much into it but I took it partly as a mischievous parroting of those conservative voices that go on about minorities ‘dominating’ the agenda and receiving outsized attention and largesse. Religions are the most looked after minorities by the length of the Hume, and in many different ways the most dangerous to society. Sleep well Georgie Pell.


Just taxing them would be a good start.
especially ones that own corporate businesses.
Also need better tracing of donations to charities and trust distributions to churches.