General World News

Yep, this.

Any government SHOULD have a lean towards protecting the interests of the poor, powerless, and persecuted - the rich, powerful, and persecutors are quite capable of taking care of themselves.

Unfortunately, that often leads an honourable dutiful government into siding conspicuously with disliked minorities, which means they lose the next election to whatever party of jerks told the majority that they’d hang persecuted minorities out to dry in the guise of ‘equality’.


News that we should be keeping an eye on, from across the ditch.


Not too many high profile mouthpieces would want to be associated with Alan anymore.

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How soon until some meathead with a sweet Canberra pension starts calling for the ‘original’ name for Uluru? “It’s just practical, easy to pronounce, and by gods he discovered it!

Brother in law over there is saying it’s got traction with a ‘silent’ upper crust but lots of people just collectively shaking their heads wondering why the fark?

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Umm, isn’t it now known by it’s original name or do you mean change it back to the name of a bureaucrat?

That’s part of the ‘joke’. Edit - would’ve worked better had I done a modicum of googling and found that Gosse named it after, as you say, a bureaucrat.

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And it’s in reference to the winding back in NZ of native names for areas, features etc that was precursor to this treaty nonsense. Beautiful names with meaning relevant to place, long history, as opposed to some bloke stumbled upon it and immortalised himself or some fat git in England

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Maybe we just should call NZ Aotearoa

Split Enz did. Sounded great too

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That’s how I learnt to say it, great song.


Lol. I have been living in N.Z for nearly 30 years and I still have to sing that line in my head to say Aotearoa right!

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It’s only a problem if you have one.

I’ll be fine.


Self deprecating…and true :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Horrific. But it didn’t happen in the US, so you would never hear about it in Aust.

At least 50 die in Guatemala after bus plunges off bridge | Reuters


I couldn’t disagree with an article more if I tried.

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This is exactly what I previously posted. This case should never have reached the courts and is a waste of taxpayers money.

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Robertson as ever the learned pragmatist. He’s right given the many other active trial worthy cases queued up in the UK. Nadia Russell and he also highlight the point i.e. the threat felt by Kerr and Mewes was dismissed by the Met and by sounds of it, the cabbie (as ■■■■■■ off as he was) who didn’t help things. But their defence was real and I agree with the jury.

TBF I think the CPS were made to rethink their initial opinion (insufficient evidence for court) when the PC belatedly made a complaint of Kerr’s reference to him being stupid and white. Cue court, last thing Sam would’ve wanted.

This law was tested. The reward is a bit more precedent and a real lesson to all, the CPS, to future protagonists, to hopefully the Met and for this and other cabbies. Justice can be expensive but that’s how law works.

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