General World News

And its on … was always going to happen this.

Question is what happens next.

85 targets with 125 munitions.

Predicted to be a multi day campaign.

Jordan are joining the fray also.
Reckon this might go on for a few days as they clean up a few spot fires

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Jordan has been experiencing massive drug smuggling problems out of Syria by Iranian backed groups. They normalised relations with Assad, only for the relaxation being exploited and the drug smuggling issue got far far worse.

Yep. Looks like somebody’s ammo dump is majorly cooking off.

And to bring in some levity, here’s yesterdays really BIG news…

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An interesting watch on the continuing issues with the Panama Canal which is causing supply chain problems and costs:


They’ve already widened the canal for PANAMAX ships. Do they want to make ships even wider?

I thought the real danger is the potential loss of water if they get rid of the rainforest.

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Water. It’s all about water. Massive drought underway.

The canal is shallower than normal, so ships are running 40% under nameplate capacity so they keep a shallower draft.

For each ship that transits, I think it was 200ML of water is released by the gates. That’s dropped the allowable daily ship transfers from about 40 to less than 20.

(I’m doing this from memory, but the vibe will be close.)

Between the loading reductions and the throughput reductions, freight through the canal has probably dropped by about 2/3.

I’m skeptical of any other mega projects that will replace the canal, but if the current drought continues the financial model for a competing piece of infrastructure may not be insane.

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It’s in the video.

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Another eruption near Grindavík a couple of hours ago.


There have been a lot of submarine earthquakes and eruptions going on so this isn’t overly surprising. I would hate to be living there.

Yep, here they go again.


Poo Mountain?

Corpse Mountain!

I wonder who put the dogs name on the list in the first place?

Seems they have very lenient laws in regards to paedos over there. The bloke should have been executed not pardoned

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She didn’t pardon a person convicted of paedophilia. It was someone who was convicted of covering up sex abuse crimes by his boss.
He was convicted for the cover up.
Full marks to Hungarian law for convicting those indirectly complicit in child sex abuse.
There are many in Australia who have escaped convictions for cover ups.

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Sorry but forcing people to retract statements of abuse and covering up for your boss is worth way more than 3 years prison.
They should be executed but barring that life in prison with a non parole period would suffice.
The director of the company should absolutely be executed.
As for her pardoning this scumbag I would hope she is never allowed to hold a position of power anywhere ever again

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