2 Meter Peter
2 Metre Peter
I’d be wrapped if he came to us.
I’d be rapt if he came to us.
——— ——
You get the idea. Go nuts!
2 Meter Peter
2 Metre Peter
I’d be wrapped if he came to us.
I’d be rapt if he came to us.
——— ——
You get the idea. Go nuts!
Why is the M in Metre capitalised?
It’s a proper noun.
If it’s a proper noun, and not a measurement, should 2 be written as Two?
Why does the thread title lack an Oxford comma?
Why is there capitalisation halfway through a sentence?
Did Wimm write The thread title?
Now we’re getting into the spirit of it!
Every time I see Peter mentioned, Stallion says he’s coming. But where is going too, was he invited, who else is there? Why does Peter inspire so much travelling.
too Meter Petre
Tomb eater Peter
I’d edit it, but in the spirit of the thread, it should stay.
He gives me the runs.
My grammar mistakes are actually my literary style.
Lotsa Height Wright.
Two meter peter is quite poetic.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen Wim and Robbo in the same room.
Only one line per paragraph.
Only one thought per paragraph.
I mean really?
Who even needs paragraphs that are any longer than one line?
I’ll tell you who.
Nobody, that’s who.
To meter Peter you’ll need a Peter meter. To be sure that you can meter Peter in the case of a Peter meter failure you’ll need two Peter meters. After metering Peter twice, and taking the average of the two meters you’ll be able to conclude that Peter is in fact 2 metres. A two metre Peter if you will.