Did you know the man who used to proofread Hitler’s speeches, was technically a grammar nazi.
O’ Two meter Peter, wherefore art thou
I think I got the iambic.
I feel like Wim posts sober at least once a week month year
A two meter peter is a rather lengthy spurt.
Changing tact
Changing tack
Talk to
Talk about
Different to
Different than
Different from
I feel like we’ve had a few of these threads.
Fell swoop, etc.
Back in the day I used to have brackets inside of brackets. Pretty wild, huh?
I’m not up to that sort of excitement anymore.
one of my favourites is the distinction between ‘less’ and ‘fewer’. if they’re discrete entities you’re comparing, like people or games, it’s fewer, otherwise if it’s a continuous mass like butter or jam, it’s ‘less’.
Ironically, there’s only one word for the opposite ‘more’.
Is additional the opposite of fewer?
Deux metre Pierre
“Why are you walking over to that woman?”
“To meet her, Peter”
could of
Could have
If I dump a load of student essays in here can you guys check the grammar, spelling, and punctuation for me?
Nah. Just send us the hilarious ones.
The “talk to” thing is my number one hate. Where did this crap come from?
I’m old fashioned. I say ‘speak with’.
That and “would of” really annoy me. Why do people do it?
Dunkley. His coming to us. His going to be great.
I hate this one with an irrational passion.
I’m just glad that the ‘literally’ debate seems to have been settled.
I credit millennials.
It was like they said, ‘we’re not That stupid.’
Just between you and I
Object pronouns follow prepositions.