Health & Fitness

Wow. I am amazed at ultra marathon runners.

What shoes do you swear by and how many kms each week do you put away in training?

That amount of (hyper) mobility actually hurts to watch :weary:

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shoes i have plenty.
nikes are my favourites at the moment zoom flyknit, but also have adidas, saucony as well

training try around 60-80kms a week did 107 when i did my 50 km run the over week.

One week post surgery to reattach my snapped patella tendon, along with lateralis and meniscus fixes.

They took from my hamstring to help fuse back to the knee cap.

Lost my footing down marble stairs and landed with full body weight smashing on my bent right knee.

Has anyone here had or know of anyoneā€™s recovery from this surgery?

Iā€™ve got another 5 weeks in a full leg brace and then 3-6 months of physio from what the surgeons told me.

Have 4 young kids and know I wouldnā€™t be kicking torps anytime soon but hoping for a full recovery

I know of 1 lifter who had a similar injury, except he did a whole host of damage to both knees (fractured at least one patella, did ACL and quad tendon, meniscus etc) and has struggled to make a return to powerlifting since .

Speaking of knees - howā€™s this bloke?
8 week recovery from a full ACL rupture

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100km race report
10 laps x10kms approx

Was feeling a bit under the weather in the week leading up, but toed the start line.
got through the marathon mark just under 4 hours, but wasnt feeling great, going at a consistent pace until about 60kms, then it was a bit of a walk / run from there, even contemplated withdrawing at 60kms, but had a mate pace me from 70 to the finish which helped.
dont feel too bad today, except still feeling effects of cold, and have a bit of ITB in knee which came on about 94kms in.


Yeah I have. 6 months of physio gets you back to being functional. Do another 4-6 months of your own rehab if you want to get back to physical activity.


What a fantastic effort! I hate driving 100 km; I cannot imagine running it.



I was just about to type the same thing.

Amazing effort @Houli_Dooli


You are a machine. Congrats on a brilliant achievement.


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For anyone who struggles to maintain weight, or looking to lose a few kā€™s but you struggle to eat enough veggies to keep you full and satiated, give this stuff a go.

I like broccoli, but it can get boring very quickly.

Itā€™s incredibly easy to cook, even straight from freezer into the pan.
A little pricey, so stock up when they go on Special.
Absolute game changer for someone like myself who lives alone, doesnā€™t want to have too many fresh veggies in the fridge at any one time, and gets home from work late at night and doesnā€™t want to spend time cutting vegetables.

All the Low Carbers in here, get on itā€¦


End of week 1 fitness challenge I signed up to. Anyone know of Andrew READ? Heā€™s a kettlebells instructor and PT. He has developed a 12 weeks womenā€™s program that actually considers hormonal changes each month. Iā€™m calculating my macronutrient each day which seemed a bit daunting at first but with a bit of planning is fine. Functional training and cardio 6 days a week. Plus must walk an hour a day.

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Just out of curiousity, what are your Macros ?
And which program/App are you using to calculate ?

Protein 164g
Carbs 110
Fats 41

But fats and carbs swap during the month.

My fitness pal is the app.

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Oh wow, you get Carbs down under 50, you probably go into Ketosis, provided itā€™s at least for a few days.

Iā€™m aiming for 0.5kg loss a week.

Itā€™s not under 50 for the swap Iā€™ll need to pull out the maths.

I donā€™t think you will have any trouble losing the weight if you stick to those Macros.
Iā€™ve only calculated it in my head, but it looks like between 1400-1500 calories per day.
I wonder if that might be a little low given the volume of exercise you might be doing.
Obviously, you will adjust as need be.

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Yeah 1500 calories. With all the protein Iā€™m ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  full. But am still working on adjusting my numbers and exercise. Iā€™m likely going to increase calories a little.

Good luck.
Sounds like youā€™re really committed.
You should post the results regularly in the Weight Loss thread (or here for that matter), just as a way of keeping yourself accountable.
Others on a similar journey may follow.

Sounds like a large chunk of Blitzers have successfully lost weight recently, so thereā€™s no shortage of tips/opinions on here.

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