Home automation

Yup. Wouldn’t touch any of it with a ten foot pole.

Especially any Voice shitt,… from Smart TV’s that listen, to Cortana Alexa Goog Home etc

‘gee its cold i wish the header was on so when i get home its warm’

surprised someone as particular as you couldn’t figure that out


I think @RockyIV got distracted.


I can understand that, when you visit them and want to go for a slash, your friends act that way.

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Kasa would be TP-Link smart switches.

I use them for all the lighting at home too.

I like the randomiser for away from home as well instead of a constant on and x off at y, you set that then it decides when to turn things on and off at random for minutes or hours.

In addition you can also get the adapters with build in power reader as well so you know how much energy that appliance is using.

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if you want to do this, you need to heavily focus on locking down your network otherwise you are open for mischief.

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What barnz said, but also if the kids (or I) forget to turn it off, etc.

Not sure I trust thermostats either, maybe I’ve just never had a good one, I generally want them completely off when I’m not home.

Still working on it, just had a few things come up. Should have quote by end of the week.


That sounds far more sophisticated than my 3 smart switches that give me the options of on or off and nothing else.

It appears I was passionate about Home Automation in 2014!

Mate you were amped!

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I was actually reading through it and thinking “I dont remember any of this?”

It must have been one very boring day.

I must say, my old workplace did a great job of instilling anti-CBUS sentiment into me.

We do a lot of the bluetooth and Wifi operated Lights here now. I still think they’re stupid, but we get asked for them enough that I need to know about them.


I deal a little bit with commercial grade systems (hospitals) and honestly I trust a 30yo thermostat more than the 2yo smart-wifi-enabled-super-secure-smart stuff that cost 10 times as much.

You only need to see one “security smart sensor light” launching a botnet to chuck them all in the bin.


Yeah, and for some reason I can’t get too excited about troubleshooting why my light switch won’t download a firmware patch.

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It saves you from being cold for about 5 minutes when you walk in the door.
Teaspoon of cement!

Dig into menus on the app! Its there.

I had no idea what a botnet was, so…

What is a botnet? When armies of infected IoT devices attack | CSO Online