Hottest Indian you've ever Eaten

I sometimes toy with the idea of what the best menu would be for a curry van. I’m talking multinational, favourites. A range of ingredients. Ten curries is probably too many for a van style set up but I reckon I’d go:

Pork Vindaloo - hot. Goan style
Lamb Rogan Josh; medium heat
Beef Madraa - extra hot
Chicken Biryani - mild
Beef Massaman - medium
Red Curry (chicken) - hot
Green Curry (chicken)- medium
Beef rendang - hot
Mulligatawny soup (chicken) - mild
Butter Chicken - mild

Samosas, bhajis, naan, Raita, couple of chutneys. a couple of rice types.


Maybe a Korma of some variety, and a veggie dish or three.



Ha! How did I let that one through!

Boo you changed it.

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Still the best thread title.

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Could be right. Swap the butter chicken out for that. Not sure I can fit a veggie one in.

Back on topic

Jungle curry?

Ohh. Nice. Might be a bit specialised for a van set up but I like it. Gonna have to go 15 curries. Lol. Also, lacking a goat option.

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You’d definitely need a vegie dish, but you might consider branching out geographically as well. Perhaps something African or Caribbean to contrast with all the Indian/Malaysian.

More runs than Sachin Tendulkar

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Throw in a proper Laoian Laap… lived on those things daily in Laos. Pure bliss.


Not familiar. I’ve got a mission now. Thanks for the recommendation

Not strictly a curry, but geez they could make them spicy…

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Gonna need a shop front. I like it though. Curry Hub. Feel the burn. Spice junkies paradise.

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Had quite a few interesting indonesian dishes lately. Pork knuckle in some sort of spicy bbq sauce was v good (not sure what it was, my language skills led me to believe the menu said it was pork ribs with potato so hey, knuckle with crinkle cut chips was pretty damn close). Their curry (Kari) was a bit disappointing but yeah Rendang rules and the Javanese spicy fried tempeh is a ripper vego side dish.

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You know you’re onto a good samosa when the outside crumbles with a tang, the next layer has some give and the contents has a perfect balance of spices while cauterising the roof of your mouth and you don’t even care.

My wife cooks Rendang often for us, it is her fave. When l told her last year that l was taking her to China, the first thin she asked me was, ‘Are there any Indonesian restaurants there?’


I’ve has rendang made for me by a migrant family for my birthday. Top three things I’ve ever eaten. Another occasion was a biryani made by a different migrant family which was just amazing. Drumsticks amd full lemon wedges. Must have been slow cooked for half a day. You could just put the entire lemon wedge in your mouth and it melted.

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I got something billed as “Malaysian Curry” from a completely inauspicious looking Asian restaurant in Daylesford. It was pale yellow in colour, tangy and medium hot in intensity. It was insanely good.
Turned out the chef was Malaysian…

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