If you were an AFL Footballer... Who would you be?

Sounds like Joe but my groins are intact.

Maybe David Myers as I’m also past my best, but trade off my leadership abilities these days :rofl:

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Who do reckon @Klawdy would be? Paul Barnard? Greg Anderson? Crackers Keenan?

Leon Baker except when I did the blind turn the chump pinged me for HTB just as I slammed the goal through.

Michael Quinn, because I’m useless.

If I had a modicum of ability, hard to go past Dusty. Tom Lynch is pretty good too, I like key forwards.

I played across the HB, ■■■■ talker, good at preventing anyone else getting a mark over me but gob ■■■■■ at taking one, ok on the right over about 30-35m terrible on the left. No good below the knees, but good at drawing frees.

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Dean Rioli without any of the skills

Hird. I was ■■■■■■■ sublime

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Ryan O’Connor.

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Almost exactly like your Blitz persona!

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I’m not sure exactly what you mean, so I’ll just say thanks.

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Nicely defended!

Seeking cheap frees mate, that’s about it.

Well, can you tell I would have probably made a great ■■■■■■■ annoying forward pocket sniper?


I am not a ranga but Darren Bewick. Small fast cheeky.


You’re too nice to play football.

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Adam Ramanauskas. Left-footer that floated across half-back and the wing, good link player, not overly big but good smarts.

Ha. I went with Boris, but changed to the Budgie. Boris was an electric player. That game vs the Cats after his knee reco. 9 goals. Was unstoppable.


When I was younger: David Calthorpe at Essendon
Now: David Calthorpe…now :grimacing:


Yeah that was during our honeymoon in bali. I dreamt he would kick a bag the night before. Wasn’t easy to find a bar in kuta showing the game. And then they kept wanting to change the channel. Lots of offers of mushies etc at that bar which I wisely refused. Boy it as a great game.