In memoriam. Australian Journalism. Judd Wept

I thought that was a secret. Nobody ever mentions it.

Police Commisioner recommends that MSM delete the photos. He previously recommended that people delete them from Facebook, mobiles etc.
Would be good if the mods would also delete them from the Blitz thread


I was pretty surprised and pleased when I came into Blitz and there wasn’t a thread on Laidley. Well done Blitz.

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Huh - the North Melbourne thread does not do credit to Blitz .At least it got locked down before any more sniggering posts.

That’s disappointing. I didn’t notice that.

Hooray - At least some can see the forest from the trees - The police have been tipping off the media for years - How else do the media get these type of pics or are conveniently at the police station - The media can only print pictures if they are given access by the police - The police have a fully functioning media department which can be wisely used.

Same thing happened when Debbie Byrne’s house was robbed and the loot included her homemade sex video, and apparently it was pretty graphic.

The police caught the robber and before she could recover her property, the video was copied and distributed, usually for a fee.

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IBAC saw nothing wrong with the cops snapping a mans arm out of its socket during a botched raid. The cop that leaked this is likely to get a promotion.


Procedural fairness dictates it should be with pay until an investigation is completed and an outcome delivered.

Of all the things to question, the fact that it is a suspension with pay, is not one of them.

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man, the laidley story is fkn weird if you’ve seen the messages going around. one messed up dude

Reboot was just correcting my initial inaccuracy (as I only skimmed the article), I don’t think it was a statement questioning the procedure.

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And, when a celeb uses an alias to call an ambulance and the journos can beat the ambulance to the ED at the hospital
Needs an app for contact tracing


So you have never dressed up as a blonde ?

In the Laidley context, Daily Mail runs an article on footballers who have lost their way.
Bomba and Hird get a run in the drugs context.
On Hird - in addition to the Saga and quoting McDevitt- the Mail refers to him overdosing on prescription drugs, quoting paramedics that it was intentional.
And I thought journalists never reveal their sources!
No reference to footballers lives being wrecked by media scum.


Guardian article by Rohan Connolly serves it up to the Hun on its Laidley reporting


Thanks for the tip. Don’t mind Connolly.



First time I’ve watched A Current Affair in a long time. They’re tackling the shocking revelation that fortune tellers are actually scamming fraudsters. Thank goodness for this watchdog.


Yeah…but anyone who gets sucked in with that nonsense just deserves to get exploited.

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Alan Jones has retired. Now has more free time to write love letters to teenage boys.