In memoriam. Australian Journalism. Judd Wept

Can get back to prowling the public dunnies again now.


Waiting for his podcasts, bu won’t be the same as pressing the button on the radio.

You’d think this news would be reason to cheer, … but they’ll just get an equally bullshitting right wing flog in to replace him.

We all know it.

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ABC reporter on 7 pm news, speaking of Andrews school opening states:

  • Some education experts consider Victorian students will be disadvantaged against others [ due to the few weeks differences in school openings]

TV then switches to short visual of Education Minister who says nothing to that effect

  • not that he could claim to be an expert on this issue

I had a one night stand with a girl who ran a fortune telling phone line. I never contacted her after that night and l ran into her months later and she told me she was shocked l never contacted her afterwards. I looked at her and told her because of her skills l didn’t think l needed to.
She was not happy with my answer but had no reply.


Not the Rolling Stones experience then!

H’m I did not know Alan had a preference. There you go.


Lol, classic


As run by the hun etc…


Rohan Connolly has another good rip into footy journos who “can reveal” something that “was exclusively revealed” by their paper, on his Footyology podcast this week. Funny stuff.

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ABC was no better in initially running with the line that top US diplomat ( Pompeo) threatened that Victoria’s secretive deal with China could damage Australia’s security relationship with the US

  • then, the US Embassy talks down what Pompeo said as responding to an extreme hypothetical and noting that the Commonwealth has carriage for telecoms ( although did not note that the Commonwealth also has exclusive powers in external affairs)
  • then, the ABC discovers that the Victorian Government has released the text of its MOU with China
    • and that the Commonwealth has rejected FOI requests for its own arrangement with China
  • and that there is also an arrangement with the NT, linked to the lease of the Port of Darwin
    US Embassy might be getting jumpy at being seen as meddling in Australian domestic politics, taking into account its interests in Pine GAp and Marines in Darwin…
    And then, there’s barley after Pompeo said it stands by Australia.

Not sure if mentioned, but had to have a chuckle when the HS took credit for the reopening of Tourism. ‘Scum. Sub-human scum’.

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from the rage:

Melbourne and Harley Bennell have invested in each other as the talented and resilient midfielder begins another phase of his footballing journey.

adjective: resilient

(of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.


The Herald Scum with the work experience kid writing their stories again…


AFL communication specialist given the big story on a Saturday writes:

"He had since returned to training and was with teammates as recently as Saturday

(Yes, they did also miss the full stop.)


My two candidates for new ways for journalists to misuse the English language - 2020 edition.

  1. Using the noun “hub” as a verb.

  2. The word “uptick” instead of increase. Is there such a thing as a downtick?

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There’s A. Bentick


Edit: ps Fark Carlton


MSM defending reporting found to be contrary to the facts - on the basis of that’s what the journos were told ( no advice as to whom the journos asked and the specific questions posed)
No concern that such reporting might trash a person’s reputation or mislead the public.