In memoriam. Australian Journalism. Judd Wept

I hope brucelegal does not seek damages from BB for you posting that! :wink:

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that’s why the source link is there

link to a public website maaaaaaaan

if anything i’m advertising their services for free

AFL Website now, seems they post the tweet not just the link.

Embedded, linked. Potato, potato.

Absolutely outstanding swipe at Barrett by Tim Watson. I didn’t know he had the plums to have a crack like this. Love it!


Yeah, I know. It was just amusing that was written in the text you pasted

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Jakey can just cite the precedent of Brisbane players (two of them lining up to each whack one injured opponent) doing exactly that back in the days when the AFL was helping them beat us and win three flags in a row. No penalties there. No criticism from AFL HQ.

But it IS Rampe, so that is different - it may affect his ability to climb goalposts.


About time someone with bomber blood went BANG!!! Good on ya Tim.


Tim Watson wins this year with his new nickname for the Purple Headed Flog - ‘The Voice of Treason’

Legend Timmy


Didn’t the Cotchins post a picture of themselves on Instagram? Therefore you could say the content was already in the public domain.

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If you pay someone while they are stood down, then what is really the issue? They aren’t getting terminated, they aren’t losing their job they aren’t getting punished financially.

Employers stand down employees quite commonly while breaches of internal policies are investigated, particularly if those breaches have the potential to harm the company and individuals.

It’s got nothing to do with copyright law etc. That’s missing the point. AFL sets a policy re these matters, said policy is breached, it’s investigated and resolved accordingly.

I disdain the AFL as much as the next Essendon supporter, but this is such a nothing story.

Cotchin’s wife is an influencer,. Infuencerrs generate revenue from referring to products or services that they use and promote on their social media, like the spa… it is intended to be circulated to the public. The media frequently quote such.
Poor woman,She gets to be an influencer because of her status as a WAG, but did not realise how conditional that is,

Not really. She’s got a couple of business interests she runs but mostly her social media profile is literally just photos of their kids… over and over and over. Trust me, the wife shows me all of them… :roll_eyes: I’d be surprised if she’s getting paid for many of her posts.

Was a bit surprised she went down that path with the day spa. probably offered her the free treatment if she put it on the socials.

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And Dimma complained that the Cotchins are ‘doing it tough’ - in five-star accomm all paid for by the AFL.

i’m pretty sure reading one of the articles on this, barret mentioned it was right for cleary to be stood down, cos it was an AFL directive not to report on that or any of the incidents involving breaches (not sure if it was merely so the afl could do it themselves when they could pr spin it, or if it was a comment in general).

but I’d be sending that to all the govt.s and nsw radio shock jocks who have it in for the afl, that the organisation is literally ordering the afl media not to report breaches. esp seeing you have one of their lackys on record saying it.

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Unfortunate choice of words. h


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Oh dear. Why is Australian journalism still in the Jim Crow era? Anyone working for Newscorpse should feel shame through association.