In memoriam. Australian Journalism. Judd Wept

From the Herald-Sun today -
Millions of Australian workers will soon be able to access up to 10 days’ paid domestic violence after a landmark Fair Work decision”.

Implies that perpetrators of domestic violence will be paid to do so.

Perhaps could have been worded better!!!


And that the beaten wives can line up for another 10 days of beatings.



The ABC needs to reopen its Radio Australia network.

Accordingly I’ve thought up some assignments

Andrew Probyn - deepest Nigeria reporting unfavourably on Boko Haran
Fran Kelly - Saudi Arabia
Jane Norman - Ukraine
Greg Jennett - Baffin Island
Leigh Sales - Iran


They sound like well earned promotions.

You missed out on the much needed Afghanistan, Somalia and Occupied Ukraine postings.

I think these are so important, that some journalists should be hired from News and Sky specially to fill them.

Rachel Baxendale - Afghanistan
Andrew Bolt - Somalia
Chris Kenny - Occupied Ukraine (based out of Mauripol)

Rowan Dean just into a straitjacket in an old-style asylum.


No government services getting in the way of the free market. In theory he should love it there.

Except for, you know…


We’ve all been waiting for the ABC to hold the Federal Government to account.

It looks as if they’ve finally woken up.


Communication specialists, not journalists, but shoot the person who wrote this headline:

Utter clickbait, because Shiel was offered a fine as well.

We should appeal because lol no he didn’t.

You sweet naive child. When have the facts ever influenced an AFL decision about penalties on EFC?

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new stage of decline reached - journalists don’t even know what their job is

some days i wonder “will ai bots ever be as good as an average human journo?”

and days like today i think that they are already better


So a “renowned” sports reporter couldn’t be bothered to do his job and then writes about it to create content? In my world he gets shown the door and his personal things get thrown in a box and put in a taxi to be delivered to his house. The Australian really is an awful paper.

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They already are experimenting with financial reports. Can barely tell the difference between the human and AI versions anymore.

That whole story about Rebel Wilson is appalling. Journalists trying to out a person as gay is disgusting.


Its appalling. I just read it. Author seems to be ■■■■■■ off that Wilson happily posted pictures of herself with her boyfriends and flaunted them on Insta often… and she was hiding her new relationship and that she should have outed serself because it was ‘unlikely she would have experienced the sort of discrimination, let alone homophobia… that sadly still affects so many gay, lesbian and non-hetero people’.

Author is legitimate cancer and germ. I’m not a fan of Rebel’s stuff at all, but thats entirely unfair on her. Not sure what she’s done to deserve that.


fairfax are absolute scum, and everyone who reads their crap is complicit

Gotta wonder if the source of the Smith, powder pic made any money. Pretty low act whoever it was.

She sued and won against a newspaper. This was meant to be pay back.

That it was a couple of gay men leading the charge to out her is what is upsetting a lot of people.

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