Injury Updates

Understand being cautious with Ridley but he is the only bloke with a ‘minor’ quad that will be out for 6.

Greater transparency on injuries would be great but unlikely.


Oh the irony…


Jynxed it.

No. They don’t down play injuries, they give you best estimates for a return, which are basically best case scenarios with minimal/no margin for error. They don’t have crystal balls.
But supporters take their estimates to the bank. And setbacks are not uncommon.
Once supporters are set on a locked in stone return date based off nothing more than an estimate, then all hell ensues.
But yes I do agree with you, we are not doing well on managing our players fitness, just trying to explain what is happening above.

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Reid, Parish, Perkins, Guelfi & Ridley all with soft tissue injuries to start the season, along with a delayed start to Draper because we held off on putting him in for surgery last year.

It’s the same story every year, just change a few names around.

Our medical team are not up to it and it kills us.



Just sack these duds. Our fitness staff are the worst in the league.

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Maybe it’s time to throw this comment in the bin and then wash your mouth out.

Brad Scott just threw the medical team under the bus in his press conference which is unheard of for someone who picks and chooses his words like BS.

We are tracking at a slightly higher than a soft tissue injury a week to a best 22 player since matches starting for the season in the Geelong pre-season game.

Absolutely rancid club.


Is Todd Ridley still available somewhere?

Yeah sorry about that Dean0, can’t help but feel I tempted fate there.

Prior to the saga and having kids I would defo be stewing on days like this.

Absolute shambles. Murphy has been a liability for too long and I’m not sure how Nick Kane gets under the radar as head physio?! Pretty sure he was the guy working with Daniher through the whole disaster that was his groin injury.

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Bigger worry is repeat recurring soft tissue injuries to Parish, Guelfi, Ridley and Reid.


You’re a better man than me RTBC! This stuff just absolutely burns me for some reason brother!

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7 news - Perkins out for a month. Club is relieved because they thought it could be double that.


So it will be 2 months then


4 weeks x 1.6 = a 6-7 week injury.


Christ that’s low effort narrative spinning by the club. Nothing to be relieved about with a midfielder out for 4 weeks with a hammy


The way this teams going it wouldn’t surprise me if they accidentally amputate his leg

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especially when it was mentioned as ‘awareness’ again on the night! Awareness is our new way not to be truthful.

So we are losing a player a week to a soft tissue injury that is taking roughly 6-8 weeks to come back from. How long before we run out of players?

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