Injury Updates

Does anyone go to training and have a bit of a yell at them?
Like nothing bad, encourage the players.

A piece in the puzzle that is in our bet side?
In order for the best team to be selected, each member of our team must improve everyone else.
How else can they be selected? Meat tray raffle, huh? Chocolate wheel?
When it matters, Guelfi is present; when it doesn’t, he disappears.
Essential Dons standard style… plays when he wants to. Add with his hammy another 3 month holiday.

Guelfi didn’t even cross my mind, I was thinking Caldwell.

I’m disappointed no one from the future came to warn Guelfi of the injury. Clearly the club hasn’t invested in time travel and has no plans to. Or we have and it hasn’t worked.

I have to agree with Kane Cornes on this one. They are pushed hard because the contact hours between club and players have become less and less. For professional athletes they basically spend more time on holidays during the pre season than actually at the club. Work life balance is important, but I think it’s gone too far the other way.


I tend to think that’s the case these days.
Let’s be honest though … it’s a very physical sport our football and takes its toll. But compared to say the EPL or world rugby they have a lot of time off. From August (or September for finalists) till Jan. And games don’t begin till, well, now or more like March.

Being an AFL footballer isn’t a bad gig at all.
Just saying …

Soft tissues injuries, hamstrings particularly seem to have spiked this off season. Let’s see how long it takes Dangerfield and his ‘friends’ like Jon Ralph to suggest we need shorter quarters when in fact we haven’t played a game yet.

Don’t shorten quarters, rather let the industry review conditioning and adjust programs to withstand the current duration of games whilst not getting injured. The ones who do it well will be successful and won’t be complaining.


Maybe we should go back to the old days when players just trained after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays


I think I see your problem.


And got plastered at the social club after the game on Sat night with the members and supporters

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No. It isn’t.
Human beings are adaptable. There is no hard boundary, on what we are capable. It is an absurd view.

Dangerfield suggested shorter quarters on radio a couple of weeks ago.

I don’t think highly of Dangerfields opinions.


Of course he did. AFL the only sport in the world where rules change every year as AFL Rule change committee get the crayons and butcher paper out to see what they can change to justify their existence. Players used to get a breather when the ball went out of bounds. Not anymore, AFL want them running all day. Stand rule, another stupid rule to keep the game moving when heaven forbid, it stopped for 7 seconds, Kick outs after a point, straight into it, no waiting, another keep game at full throttle change. Not saying these solve injury issues, but the design of the game is what’s changed. Shorter quarters will still see hammys go twang, maybe more as players go harder re less minutes. Now its the deckchairs on the titanic.


I quickly asked Guelf yesterday how his injury rehab was going. He said it hasn’t even started yet & the n jogged off.

Agree that he is best 22 and we will miss him in the first it of the year.

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That’s why I mentioned it. Most players would agree but the clubs / coaches are creating the issue by driving higher fitness and creating more attrition. ■■■■ et quarters resulted in ugly congested footy. It was awful in 2020.

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Dangerfield just wants to extend his own career, and those of his Geelong teammates.


Nah fringe player Nino, by no means is he a piece of the puzzle any any of the top 8 teams of last year.

In fact it was absurd to give him a 2 year contract, 1 year maximum would have sufficed.

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Guelfi is certainly fringe in my book - only 26 games in the last 2 years would be interesting to know how many as SUB - its been a few.
Even Menzie has played more than that - 35 games…
He’ll be out for half the year now and come back through the 2’s behind Gresham & Kako - probably on a par with Menzie for a small forward spot
Giftling Guelfi a 2 year deal was ridiculous…!!