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A reply to: @IceTemple regarding QuoteLink

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They are getting closer to Golan Heights, if they start trying to cross over into any are Israel is, war in the region may escalate.

Generally a good propostion for any group or nation in that region that is under stress is to attack Israel, that usually gets those you are fighting with to stop and turn their attention to Israel and it’s destruction, the only thing any of these people actually agree on.

If they went to Israel, there is a fair chance Israel will wipe them out within weeks. They won’t have mercy for civillians like some other countries do


If you mean Israel then you are waaayyy off base on that one.

Yep I remember all that mercy Israel showed the kids on the beach or the many kids in schools they have blown up over the years.

So merciful. It’s just those savages that do the bad things.

I’ve had to go back in the archives to quote this one.

As is typically the case, the Palestinians put their own in a position of danger by indiscriminately firing rockets at civilians, many of which fall short and hit their own people. When it does occur, rather than taking ownership, they point the finger at the obvious scapegoat being Israel. The media runs with it and it leaves an imprint on people’s minds that Israel is the monster, something that’s very difficult to shake because once the truth actually comes out it’s often too late because those same people have moved on.

This time it’s Amnesty International which have released the report exonerating Israel for the beach deaths and placing the blame squarely on Hamas and their terrorist activities.

The question is, is it too late to change people’s minds???

If you kept getting invaded and attacked by one of the best-armed and equipped militaries in the world do you think your priorities might change a little?

LEFTY: Israel are murderers. They purposely target civilians and blow up kids on beaches!
ME: No they don’t. See!
LEFTY: Yeah, but Israel are murders.
ME: smashes head against wall

You must be the grand child of Golda Meir - Black September, Munich Olympic games, targetted killings for a number of years - yet the Israelian way is to never go after the top dog.

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A reply to: @IceTemple regarding QuoteLink

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They are getting closer to Golan Heights, if they start trying to cross over into any are Israel is, war in the region may escalate.

Generally a good propostion for any group or nation in that region that is under stress is to attack Israel, that usually gets those you are fighting with to stop and turn their attention to Israel and it’s destruction, the only thing any of these people actually agree on.

If they went to Israel, there is a fair chance Israel will wipe them out within weeks. They won’t have mercy for civillians like some other countries do


If you mean Israel then you are waaayyy off base on that one.

Yep I remember all that mercy Israel showed the kids on the beach or the many kids in schools they have blown up over the years.

So merciful. It’s just those savages that do the bad things.

I’ve had to go back in the archives to quote this one.

As is typically the case, the Palestinians put their own in a position of danger by indiscriminately firing rockets at civilians, many of which fall short and hit their own people. When it does occur, rather than taking ownership, they point the finger at the obvious scapegoat being Israel. The media runs with it and it leaves an imprint on people’s minds that Israel is the monster, something that’s very difficult to shake because once the truth actually comes out it’s often too late because those same people have moved on.

This time it’s Amnesty International which have released the report exonerating Israel for the beach deaths and placing the blame squarely on Hamas and their terrorist activities.

The question is, is it too late to change people’s minds???

If you kept getting invaded and attacked by one of the best-armed and equipped militaries in the world do you think your priorities might change a little?

LEFTY: Israel are murderers. They purposely target civilians and blow up kids on beaches!
ME: No they don’t. See!
LEFTY: Yeah, but Israel are murders.
ME: smashes head against wall

See longer post.

Some kids somewhere is awful, and it’s not good that Israel got blamed when they weren’t teh culprits, but it only really signifies that there’s a lot of bombs and bullets and rockets flying around and that sucks for all concerned.

Israel have killed a lot of palestinians, there is no two ways about it. But Israel’s own numbers say they killed roughly a thousand civilians in the 2014 attacks. UN numbers it’s more like 1500. Either way that’s a lot, and it doesn’t seem to have solved or changed anything. Palestine aren’t going away. Israel attacking them isn’t getting anyone any closer to peace.

So… ?

Firstly there was no real Gaza before Israel took that land from Egypt. Israel built it up then handed it back as requested as part of a peace deal (of which the PA/HAMAS/Palestinians have not actioned their part of the deal).

Secondly, Israel then handed Gaza over to the Palestinian Authority (PA, under Abbas) to run. The PA provided free and open elections for the Gaza inhabitants who then faced HAMAS who killed all the PA reps and stationed gun toting militants at all election booths thereby “winning” the election. You will notice no free and open elections since. HAMAS rules with an iron rod and crushes any dissidents. Amnesty does have a report on that too but somehow it never makes it to the free and open press of the world.

Thirdly, HAMAS has fired rockets into Israel on a DAILY basis ever since that election. Not occassionally, daily, and it is well documented for those that want to search objectively.

Fourthly, the Gaza blockade came in after the elections where HAMAS seized power and was implemented by BOTH Israel and Egypt. Egypt removed the blockade while the Muslim Brotherhood were in power but it has been re-added by Egypt since the military coup.

Fifthly, if any country in the world faced daily rocket attacks from a neighbouring country, exactly what sort of response do you think would take place? Nothing? Israel have asked the UN, Europe, US and ME nations to stop this but they have done nothing to curtail this behaviour by HAMAS.

So while, yes, there were a number of civilians killed and it was disappointing and hopefully avoided in future, it is hardly the great horrible thing of all time. The US and other allies (including Australia) have killed far more people in IRAQ, on average, than Israel did in that war, even though it is more densely packed in geographic area. Israel is also the ONLY nation that took the time to send out warnings BEFORE they fired into Gaza: they would send texts, phone calls, emails, leaflet drops, the works, then give enough time to get out. This also gave time for HAMAS to clear out as well. No other country ever does that during war, none.

It has also been proven that not all deaths were caused by Israel, it has also been proven that HAMAS were using their fellow Palestinians as human shields and used their homes, schools, hospitals, etc as launching places for their bombs. No one is “innocent” in war, other than simple civilians, but they are killed by both sides, either directly or indirectly.

So for those who despise Israel for their actions, I hope that you equally despise the Palestinians for theirs.

If HAMAS stopped attacking Israel, stopped building tunnels from which they attack Israeli citizens (civilians), offered to declare that Israel has a right to exist in the lands around that region (along wth themselves), gave free and open elections to their people, laid down their arms, then they might find Israel would stop the blockade (they have said they would) and Israel would most certainly stop any attacks on Gaza. HAMAS won’t do that though, why? Because their foundation charter is the utter annihilation of all Jews, the same foundational charter that the PA holds I might add. They do not simply weant some more land, they want the whole region and they want all Jews slaughtered. It is in their charter. So if you support the Palestinians then you should be appalled and be writing your condemnation of such a horrible charter. Feel free to be upset with Israel, but don’t be a hypocrtite and instead be equally upset with HAMAS.

If Israel gave stolen land back and stopped blowing Palestianian civilians to pieces then I imagine HAMAS may be slightly more amenable to a peace deal.

Could be worth a punt

I know you sometimes struggle with comrehension so I will make it simple for you…again…


They did not get their side of the deal from the PA though and then HAMAS started their bombing crap.

If you are going to sprout crap, at least take the time to study first to make sure your crap is 5% right, like the PA do.

Settle down half wit

Israel currently occupies land that is not their own.

Give it back

The only half wit is you and the absolutely racist antisemitism that you spew out every so often.

No wonder G-Unit rarely comes in these threads.

Lol you don’t know what being anti Semitic is do you?

I have absolutely no issue at all with Jews. I do however have a massive issue with Israel.

Damned if they do, Damned if they don’t - with the US.

Slammed for not doing enough @ Tikrit, now they are conducting airstrikes and they are being slammed.

One thing is for sure, very easy to heap the whole ME issues on the US. You know much easier to point fingers, than actually look in their backyard.

RE: Yemen, my take (and pull me up on this, as I have a very brief understanding on this) is that the militia group with is supported by the majority of the people overthrew the president. So now all the ME states are bombing them.

@ Boko Haram - reports that their HQ has been destroyed, mass grave yards found on inspection.

Do you think we will ever see a peaceful North Africa/ME in our lifetime?

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Damned if they do, Damned if they don't - with the US.

Slammed for not doing enough @ Tikrit, now they are conducting airstrikes and they are being slammed.

One thing is for sure, very easy to heap the whole ME issues on the US. You know much easier to point fingers, than actually look in their backyard.

RE: Yemen, my take (and pull me up on this, as I have a very brief understanding on this) is that the militia group with is supported by the majority of the people overthrew the president. So now all the ME states are bombing them.

@ Boko Haram - reports that their HQ has been destroyed, mass grave yards found on inspection.

Do you think we will ever see a peaceful North Africa/ME in our lifetime?

Yemen is being overrun by groups that are funded by Iran, SA and the rest do not want Yemen to become a puppet state of Iran and that is why they are fighting back. This is about Sunni verses Shiite and Arab verses Persian control of the ME.

It’s Hard to Be a Christian Arab in Israel, But Not Because of Prejudice
March 27, 2015 3:27 pm

My name is Gabriel Nadaf and I have the privilege of being a Greek Orthodox priest from Nazareth in the Galilee. My people have mistakenly been called “Christian Arabs” but the reality is that we are Arameans, descendants of people who lived here in Israel since the time of the Bible.

Israel’s Interior Ministry has recently recognized us as the “Aramean nation,” following a lengthy public campaign. Partners in this effort were a number of Israeli Zionist organizations.

In the past three years I have become a controversial figure in Israel for the simple reason that I embrace Zionism, Jewish sovereignty in Israel, and the tolerance, respect and opportunity that has grown out of that sovereignty for all. I believe that our youth – Christian youth –should fully integrate into Israeli society. Part and parcel of that integration includes serving in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Israel’s Army, or undertaking some other form of national service, which Israel routinely provides for teenagers.

In 2012 a few Christian IDF officers and I founded the I.C.R.F–the Israeli Christians Recruitment Forum. My efforts have had mixed results. On the positive side, hundreds of Arab or Aramean Christian youth have heeded my call and served their country with distinction. They have been embraced by their fellow soldiers, who regard them as comrades in arms and not as strangers in their midst.

On the downside, the blowback, as it were, from my efforts among rejectionist elements in the Christian and the Muslim Arab community has been intense. Christian soldiers have been harassed by their neighbors and, in many cases, by their own families. These soldiers are forced to change out of their IDF uniforms before returning to their home towns, for fear that they may be harassed on their way home.

Another example came in 2012 when a conference was held in Nazareth by supporters of Christian recruitment to the IDF. A local leader, attorney Abir Kopty from the Mossawa Center, attacked the participants and accused them of Palestinian persecution. Attorney Kopty also suggested that integrating Christians into the Army was an attempt to divide Arab society in their national struggle against Israel.

Following the conference, a campaign of harassment began against the conference’s organizers. Students who participated were also threatened, isolated, and suffered humiliation via social networks and in the Arab media. An Israeli organization who supports us, Im Tirtzu, subsequently published a report detailing statements made against Christians who encouraged Christian enlistment in the IDF.

For me personally, my conviction and actions have led to numerous death threats against me, my excommunication by the Orthodox Church Council and the prevention of my entrance to the Church of Annunciation.

None of this has anything to do with the Israeli government or the Jewish community. The assertion of Israel as a so-called apartheid state is complete nonsense. My successes and challenges speak loudly as to where the real problems lie for my fellow Christians.

It pains me to say this, but it must be said. The incitement against me, my campaign, and all those Christians who have sought to integrate into Israeli society has been led by Arab leaders from Israel and abroad, and even by some Arab members of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset.

MK Hanin Zoabi wrote to me on official Knesset letterhead and accused me of “helping the enemy of the Palestinian people,” “collaboration with occupying forces” and pressured me “to fight against the loyalists of the regime.” Of course, all this creates an atmosphere of incitement against me and anyone who is interested in integrating the Christian minority into the national service frameworks in Israel.

But these people have had help. Under the guise of human rights protection, organizations such as Mossawa – which is funded by the New Israel Fund – have joined the incitement campaign and have accused the leaders of the Christian-Arab community in Israel, who support integration, of collaboration with the IDF (often dubbing the IDF “the Zionist Occupation”).

A blacklist of priests and Christian leaders that support integration and cooperation with the State of Israel has been compiled. Pictures of leaders and youth who participated in IDF events have made their way into the Arab press, endangering their lives and encouraging violence.

Mossawa is not alone in trying to deny Christian Arabs the right to integrate into Israeli society. A massive campaign against enlistment of Israeli-Arabs to the IDF was led by other organizations as well.

This campaign included massive pressure on the Israeli and Arab press, including a set of articles published on the +972 website in 2012 denouncing Arab enrollment in the military or national service; school activities that are intended to educate children not to serve the country; or the efforts of Baladna, an NGO that has worked for many years among the Arab youth in Israel, teaching them about the “threats” implicit in serving in national service or the IDF. Adalah is working to prevent military veterans from receiving housing benefits in Arab cities.

Organizations that are participating in the campaign to stop the Aramean community from integrating into Israeli society via Army/national service include Adalah, Mossawa, Baladna, +972 and others. They are Israeli non-profit organizations – some are composed of Israeli Arabs and others are on the extreme left and are anti-Zionist. These NGOs reject Israel as the national home of the Jewish people. They would like to cancel the law of return and remove the Jewish character of Israel.

They would reject the special status of the Hebrew language, modify the national flag and the national anthem and make Israel a bi-national state. These organizations call on the Arabs of Judea and Samaria and the Arabs living in Israel to come together to fight against Zionism. Because of that, the idea that one group has separated itself from this struggle by identifying itself as Aramean is, for them, an anathema.

All of these organizations claim that they are fighting for the weak, for the minorities who cannot stand up for themselves and demand and fight for their own rights. But ultimately, the actions of these NGOs beg the question of what rights they are really fighting for, whose interests they are protecting, and what their real agenda is.

Clearly these NGOs have no interest in seeing Christian Arabs become part of Israeli society. Much like the Arab countries that have used Palestinians in various refugee camps as pawns in fighting the State of Israel, these NGOs are content to reduce my community to cannon fodder in their efforts to de-legitimize Israel.

So my community is effectively being told to fight for their continued marginalization by Israeli society, even though it is the Israeli government’s goal to bring them more fully into the mainstream. Doesn’t the Christian community deserve the right to follow our own will and integrate, if it so chooses, into Israeli society? Not according to most of the NGOs that say they are assisting our community.

As a priest, I am distressed by this unwillingness to promote the welfare of individuals in the name of a monolithic group identity, whose goals and objectives can be set by those who might have very little in common with the community they supposedly represent.

As Christians in Israel survey the situation of our brethren in the wider Middle East, we are appalled by the persecution that so many have experienced in Egypt, Syria and Iraq, among others. Truly, it has only been in Israel where Christians can fully practice our faith and be productive members of society.

We are not interested in misguided policies that would only bring harm and dislocation to us. Instead we see and appreciate the opportunities to live full Christian lives in the Jewish State.

It is important that Christians around the world understand that Jewish Israel has been a responsible steward for its Christians. We should be supported and not demonized for our efforts to more fully join this benevolent society.

Father Gabriel Nadaf is the spiritual leader and one of the founders of the Forum recruiting Arabic-speaking Christians to the Israel Defense Forces. He is the Spiritual leader of the I.C.R.F and the Christian Empowerment Council.’s-hard-to-be-a-christian-arab-in-israel-but-not-because-of-prejudice/

so much hate

Hands up all those moved by that article!

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Hands up all those moved by that article!

I must confess a bowel movement

It’s a lot like ■■■■■■ Sunday in Ireland at the start of the Troubles.

So many Catholic kids joined the IRA after that day.

Israel’s had quite a few ■■■■■■ Sundays.

Humans just don’t get it

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A reply to: @IceTemple regarding QuoteLink

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They are getting closer to Golan Heights, if they start trying to cross over into any are Israel is, war in the region may escalate.

Generally a good propostion for any group or nation in that region that is under stress is to attack Israel, that usually gets those you are fighting with to stop and turn their attention to Israel and it’s destruction, the only thing any of these people actually agree on.

If they went to Israel, there is a fair chance Israel will wipe them out within weeks. They won’t have mercy for civillians like some other countries do


If you mean Israel then you are waaayyy off base on that one.

Yep I remember all that mercy Israel showed the kids on the beach or the many kids in schools they have blown up over the years.

So merciful. It’s just those savages that do the bad things.

I’ve had to go back in the archives to quote this one.

As is typically the case, the Palestinians put their own in a position of danger by indiscriminately firing rockets at civilians, many of which fall short and hit their own people. When it does occur, rather than taking ownership, they point the finger at the obvious scapegoat being Israel. The media runs with it and it leaves an imprint on people’s minds that Israel is the monster, something that’s very difficult to shake because once the truth actually comes out it’s often too late because those same people have moved on.

This time it’s Amnesty International which have released the report exonerating Israel for the beach deaths and placing the blame squarely on Hamas and their terrorist activities.

The question is, is it too late to change people’s minds???

If you kept getting invaded and attacked by one of the best-armed and equipped militaries in the world do you think your priorities might change a little?

LEFTY: Israel are murderers. They purposely target civilians and blow up kids on beaches!
ME: No they don’t. See!
LEFTY: Yeah, but Israel are murders.
ME: smashes head against wall

See longer post.

Some kids somewhere is awful, and it’s not good that Israel got blamed when they weren’t teh culprits, but it only really signifies that there’s a lot of bombs and bullets and rockets flying around and that sucks for all concerned.

Israel have killed a lot of palestinians, there is no two ways about it. But Israel’s own numbers say they killed roughly a thousand civilians in the 2014 attacks. UN numbers it’s more like 1500. Either way that’s a lot, and it doesn’t seem to have solved or changed anything. Palestine aren’t going away. Israel attacking them isn’t getting anyone any closer to peace.

So… ?

So for those who despise Israel for their actions, I hope that you equally despise the Palestinians for theirs.

Feel free to be upset with Israel, but don’t be a hypocrtite and instead be equally upset with HAMAS.

I keep saying this, every time I write anything more than 20 words on the topic but it seems it doesn’t register…
Both sides are basically (Sharon to a lesser degree) jerks. Continuing the war isn’t working but both sides are hell bent on it.
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A reply to: @IceTemple regarding QuoteLink

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They are getting closer to Golan Heights, if they start trying to cross over into any are Israel is, war in the region may escalate.

Generally a good propostion for any group or nation in that region that is under stress is to attack Israel, that usually gets those you are fighting with to stop and turn their attention to Israel and it’s destruction, the only thing any of these people actually agree on.

If they went to Israel, there is a fair chance Israel will wipe them out within weeks. They won’t have mercy for civillians like some other countries do


If you mean Israel then you are waaayyy off base on that one.

Yep I remember all that mercy Israel showed the kids on the beach or the many kids in schools they have blown up over the years.

So merciful. It’s just those savages that do the bad things.

I’ve had to go back in the archives to quote this one.

As is typically the case, the Palestinians put their own in a position of danger by indiscriminately firing rockets at civilians, many of which fall short and hit their own people. When it does occur, rather than taking ownership, they point the finger at the obvious scapegoat being Israel. The media runs with it and it leaves an imprint on people’s minds that Israel is the monster, something that’s very difficult to shake because once the truth actually comes out it’s often too late because those same people have moved on.

This time it’s Amnesty International which have released the report exonerating Israel for the beach deaths and placing the blame squarely on Hamas and their terrorist activities.

The question is, is it too late to change people’s minds???

If you kept getting invaded and attacked by one of the best-armed and equipped militaries in the world do you think your priorities might change a little?

LEFTY: Israel are murderers. They purposely target civilians and blow up kids on beaches!
ME: No they don’t. See!
LEFTY: Yeah, but Israel are murders.
ME: smashes head against wall

See longer post.

Some kids somewhere is awful, and it’s not good that Israel got blamed when they weren’t teh culprits, but it only really signifies that there’s a lot of bombs and bullets and rockets flying around and that sucks for all concerned.

Israel have killed a lot of palestinians, there is no two ways about it. But Israel’s own numbers say they killed roughly a thousand civilians in the 2014 attacks. UN numbers it’s more like 1500. Either way that’s a lot, and it doesn’t seem to have solved or changed anything. Palestine aren’t going away. Israel attacking them isn’t getting anyone any closer to peace.

So… ?

Firstly there was no real Gaza before Israel took that land from Egypt. Israel built it up then handed it back as requested as part of a peace deal (of which the PA/HAMAS/Palestinians have not actioned their part of the deal).

Secondly, Israel then handed Gaza over to the Palestinian Authority (PA, under Abbas) to run. The PA provided free and open elections for the Gaza inhabitants who then faced HAMAS who killed all the PA reps and stationed gun toting militants at all election booths thereby “winning” the election. You will notice no free and open elections since. HAMAS rules with an iron rod and crushes any dissidents. Amnesty does have a report on that too but somehow it never makes it to the free and open press of the world.

Thirdly, HAMAS has fired rockets into Israel on a DAILY basis ever since that election. Not occassionally, daily, and it is well documented for those that want to search objectively.

Fourthly, the Gaza blockade came in after the elections where HAMAS seized power and was implemented by BOTH Israel and Egypt. Egypt removed the blockade while the Muslim Brotherhood were in power but it has been re-added by Egypt since the military coup.

Fifthly, if any country in the world faced daily rocket attacks from a neighbouring country, exactly what sort of response do you think would take place? Nothing? Israel have asked the UN, Europe, US and ME nations to stop this but they have done nothing to curtail this behaviour by HAMAS.

So while, yes, there were a number of civilians killed and it was disappointing and hopefully avoided in future, it is hardly the great horrible thing of all time. The US and other allies (including Australia) have killed far more people in IRAQ, on average, than Israel did in that war, even though it is more densely packed in geographic area. Israel is also the ONLY nation that took the time to send out warnings BEFORE they fired into Gaza: they would send texts, phone calls, emails, leaflet drops, the works, then give enough time to get out. This also gave time for HAMAS to clear out as well. No other country ever does that during war, none.

It has also been proven that not all deaths were caused by Israel, it has also been proven that HAMAS were using their fellow Palestinians as human shields and used their homes, schools, hospitals, etc as launching places for their bombs. No one is “innocent” in war, other than simple civilians, but they are killed by both sides, either directly or indirectly.

So for those who despise Israel for their actions, I hope that you equally despise the Palestinians for theirs.

If HAMAS stopped attacking Israel, stopped building tunnels from which they attack Israeli citizens (civilians), offered to declare that Israel has a right to exist in the lands around that region (along wth themselves), gave free and open elections to their people, laid down their arms, then they might find Israel would stop the blockade (they have said they would) and Israel would most certainly stop any attacks on Gaza. HAMAS won’t do that though, why? Because their foundation charter is the utter annihilation of all Jews, the same foundational charter that the PA holds I might add. They do not simply weant some more land, they want the whole region and they want all Jews slaughtered. It is in their charter. So if you support the Palestinians then you should be appalled and be writing your condemnation of such a horrible charter. Feel free to be upset with Israel, but don’t be a hypocrtite and instead be equally upset with HAMAS.

If Israel gave stolen land back and stopped blowing Palestianian civilians to pieces then I imagine HAMAS may be slightly more amenable to a peace deal.

Could be worth a punt

I don’t actually think so.
But constant war gives constant source of recruits & motivation for them. They’ll always be in power while they’re under attack. And Sharon wins elections based on “we won’t give in”, not much better.
Nothing’s going to change while both sides are in power.


MASKED gunmen from Somalia’s Shebab Islamist group have massacred at least 147 Kenyan students in a daylong college campus siege, the deadliest attack in the country since US embassy bombings in 1998.

Hurling grenades and firing automatic rifles, the gunmen stormed the university in the north-eastern town of Garissa as students were sleeping, shooting dead dozens before setting Muslims free and holding Christians and others hostage.

All four of the gunmen wore suicide vests packed with explosives, detonating themselves in huge blasts as the dramatic assault finally ended after some 16 hours.

It just keeps going doesn’t it.
What the fark is wrong with these people.

all 3 Abraham’s religions, plains of Esdraelon… Go.

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all 3 Abraham's religions, plains of Esdraelon...... Go.

Has a bit to answer for does Abe

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MASKED gunmen from Somalia’s Shebab Islamist group have massacred at least 147 Kenyan students in a daylong college campus siege, the deadliest attack in the country since US embassy bombings in 1998.

Hurling grenades and firing automatic rifles, the gunmen stormed the university in the north-eastern town of Garissa as students were sleeping, shooting dead dozens before setting Muslims free and holding Christians and others hostage.

All four of the gunmen wore suicide vests packed with explosives, detonating themselves in huge blasts as the dramatic assault finally ended after some 16 hours.


Let’s boil this thread down to simple mathematics:

Current situation:
Israel, pop. 7,800,000 - Jews 74.1% - Muslims 17.4%
Gaza, pop. 1,800,000 - Jews 0.00% - Muslims 99.8%

Hamas stops fighting:
Israel, pop. 7,800,000 - Jews 74.1% - Muslims 17.4%
Gaza, pop. 1,800,000 - Jews 0.00% - Muslims 99.8%

Israel stops fighting:
Israel, pop. 7,800,000 - Jews 0.00% - Muslims 92.5% and increasing.
Gaza, pop. 1,800,000 - Jews 0.00% - Muslims 99.8%

A non-fighting Jew automatically converts to Islam?

I don’t think that’s right.

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A non-fighting Jew automatically converts to Islam?

I don’t think that’s right.

I think he is saying that the Muslims will slaughter all Jews.