Joe Rogan

Get on the Alphabrain!

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Yeah but how many of the audience understand this or do they take the advice? Does he make disclaimers etc?

Ivermectin is a bullshit remedy that worked in a Petri dish at super high concentration and became a wonder drug for anti vaxxers. Rogan pushed the anti mask line and the ivermectin line (after pushing zinc/hql which was subsequently proven to be rubbish).

Then he took $1000s of dollars of treatments that are very limited to the general public eg I believe you can’t get the monoclonal antibody treatment here as it’s very experimental. He continues to push the anti-mask anti-vax line even though his followers in the main don’t have access to the meds he used


I agree that Joe Rogan shouldn’t be pushing Ivermectin (it is a dangerous drug), and everyone should go and get immunized - which is safe and effective.

But I think calling it a ‘b.s. remedy that worked in a petri dish at high concentrations’ reads more like the media than the scientific journals. It might be inconclusive at this stage but that doesn’t mean it is entirely snake oil.

You sound smart enough to do that but others aren’t so lucky. Podcasters have a very initmate relationship with their listeners sometimes and they can influence fantatical listeners more easily than other media can I think

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Christ this thread’s depressing.


ya boy’s really just been the first guy to apply a very, very successful business model (shock jock) to new media. And that’s what he’s doing with the ivermectin. ■■■■ stirring = profile = clicks.

At least John Laws had the decency to stop short of suggesting people inject Valvoline…


Don’t agree with the shock jock tag but that joke got a laugh out of me

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What about sucking Joe Rohan’s ■■■■? Anyone here tried to suck Joe Rohan’s ■■■■ ?

(It’s auto correcting it, I’m happy with it)

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Now would be the appropriate time for some gorilla noises.

Anyone pushing Ivermectin at this point is either a) completely stupid (ie Velcro shoes only), b) shamelessly corrupt or c) an actual psychopath

(Or some combination of the above)

Where’s the grey area?

Would you tune in to a Donald J Trump podcast? Craig Kelly? George Christensen?

JRR Tolkien. Just sayin’.


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Oh, I subscribe and listen every week.

Trick to finding it on iTunes is it’s filed under the “kiddies” section.


Well they kind of have too don’t they? To remain neutral. Otherwise it’s a slippery censorship slope.

Would be interesting if more big names followed Neil though.

Its also worth noting that the same company who pays the world’s biggest musical artists microcents-per-play for their music, forked out $100m for exclusive rights to Rogan’s podcast catalog, plus they then pay him a healthy chunk of the ad revenue on top of that. Which is a LOT.

The pushback won’t be just about Rogan’s ethics.


He signed a massive deal with Spotify before Ivermectin was even a topic. His profile and clicks were ticking along fine.

I’m not entirely convinced that you know what your talking about in here.


{insert controversial/fringe topic here}