Joe Rogan

There are certainly people dead who likely would have been saved had they been vaccinated. Did they refuse a vaccine because of Rogan at least in part, fark knows but odds are there would be at least someone out there I’d have thought.

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To be honest, if you are living your life and taking medical advice from a celebrity instead of actual doctors and medical experts- you only have yourself to blame


Doesn’t mention Joe Rogan by name, but the point certainly stands:

I suspect you’re right.

THe only thing which might give them pause for thought is if artists who (in 2022) are MUCH bigger than Neil Young join in.

Nobody who puts music on spotify loves spotify, they’re exploitative as hell and pay peanuts (unless you’re Joe Rogan, who got a massive sweetheart deal). But if there starts to be a bit of a groundswell of artists leaving spotify and claiming it to be a principled stand over anti-vax podcasts rather than over money, that’s the only thing that could maybe make a difference. And that’ll only happen if they can agree on an alternative to spotify.


they were already braindead

Yeah, I don’t think that point stands.

He is hardly the lone ranger on pushing the rubbish he has been pushing, he just happens to have the biggest audience.

Russell Brand has been going even harder than Joe, and he’s hardly had a mention.

Again, I haven’t at all been happy with his commentary on Covid and it has affected my enjoyment of the Podcast to the point that I don’t really listen anymore, so I’m not going to defend him on that.

But I think blaming him for specific deaths is a bit of a stretch.


There’s a broader conversation here about a general loss of faith in institutions and the value of expertise which you can see reflected in multiple areas of society.


It’s all about money.

Rogan’s ratings destroy everyone.

If Brand had huge ratings, they would go after him also.

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Brand and Rogan are an interesting comparison in styles. Rogan rarely comes across like he thinks his voice is the most important and interesting in the room.

I kinda hate these pseudo-intellectual podcast types.


Your right Paul, I don’t actually know whether that’s true I was just assuming. Fair enough!

First reaction is fake news. Classic Rogan.


I don’t really want to defend Rogan but the narrative around the covid stuff is probably unfair.

He hasn’t promoted crackpots on his show, the covid episodes have all been with legit Dr’s and scientists, just ones biased ones with some out there ideas. Having guests who are biased with an agenda isn’t really that unusual in an interview format. Dr Nick gets his biased agenda in the press all the time. Interviewing legit Dr’s who explored using ivermectin off label is totally different from interviewing Pete Evans promoting crystal therapies. It feels like the narrative is trying to suggest Rogan has been doing the latter rather than the former.

Despite not being a journalist he at least attempts to provide some challenge as well. Those episodes he generally does throw in the “what’s the proof for that” or “why doesn’t the majority agree with you”.

Anyone wanting an unbiased show speaking to world renowned experts synthesising all the research to give the most scientifically accurate view is watching the wrong show if they think Rogan is that.


That seems very fair! :slightly_smiling_face:

The people who want to shut down discussion around vaccines, or are particularly zealous in their push for mandatory vaccinations, are doing more to create hesitancy in the unvaccinated than the likes of Rogan.


There is no show in the world that listens to both sides more than Rogan.

He has a very wide range of beliefs & views.

A lot of people don’t like that.


On covid not so much. He could have had Fauci or someone similar to give some balance or even a debate between both sides. No idea why he hasn’t.

In general he has left/right people on his show, I think he just likes interesting people more than the actual arguments.

I think he likes controversial ideas and that’s always been his focus! Unfortunately though in medicine controversial ideas are often dangerous ideas too.

[quote=“Saucy, post:76, topic:24553, full:true”]
There is no show in the world that listens to both sides more than Rogan.

He has a very wide range of beliefs & views.

A lot of people don’t like that.

I think most people in this thread question his promotion of disinformation about COVID. Not seeing anything about other issues with him?

If you listens to all of Rogans health advice you’d take DMT, be on TRT in your 40’s, experiment with carnivore diets, eat lots of saturated fats all while deadlifting. None of which is recommended by the standard medical community. Grain of salt and all that.

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