John Barnes pushing to sue AFL over concussion

I’m sure that will happen too.

On SBS’s Insight now

Thanks, I just turned over.

The AFL have known for 40 years re concussion/s :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hope the players class action goes well.


Very sad situation for these guys to have such symptoms at 50 and 60, but absolutely tragic to hear Jack Frost at 27 suffering the same.

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Head over the ball, son.
Don’t take short steps.
No squibbing!
Back in my day…


The AFL once again proving what scumbags they are. Didn’t even respond to the show’s request for contact. When will people wake up?


Hopefully they win their class action and the AFL is held accountable.

Maybe just maybe people will question the way they operate.


Once the first Australian Rues Football case is found that matches the pathology of the NFL players i.e. chronic traumatic encephalopathy, then that will be it for the players’ case.

When I think of Barnes I always picture him on the podium after the 2000 grand final. Seeing him last night was heartbreaking. I really worry for the Zach Merrett’s of today.

I recall K Sheedy strategically using J Barnes to affect play when Barnes ran messages post playing career. Ha. Sheedy was such a sleaze.

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I wouldn’t be so sure. He has to prove his symptoms were caused by concussions sustained primarily or significantly playing in the V/AFL.

I seem to remember hearing or reading that one J Barnes had to be kicked out of playing junior or school footy because he kept throwing himself headlong into contests and getting knocked out.

It gets even murkier for guys who might have only had a 2-3 Year AFL career, and played for 10 years in state or local footy.

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Short of the AFL doing neurological scans on all players when they get drafted and when they retire, how do you prove/disprove any damage (and ongoing symptoms) were the result of an AFL career?

Add that to:

  • Best practice for concussion 20 years ago is not best practice now, and best practice now will likely not be best practice in another 10 years
  • There is still a real lack of understanding of pathophysiology around CTE - it is improving as awareness increases, though

I don’t think anything will make it a straightforward case - at least not in the near future.


When will people wake up to the AFL? When they are taken down by them or something happens to someone they know and love. Before then, they buy the jargonise and bullshit dished out by people like Gill the Dill.

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Well put Fairybread and if the EFC had ANY ethics they’d be on the front foot with financial support for a player that did himself and the Club proud and is loved by supporters who were lucky enough to follow the Dons during John’s time with the team.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there were people at the club who felt the same way.

I would guess that clubs and the AFL have been given legal advice that to provide financial support would be an admission of liability and then that opens up a whole can of worms that is not just Barnes’ issue but also any other player (past or present) who has a TBI and then that would lead on to any other player (past or present) who has any sort of permanent impairment injury from playing AFL.

I think one or more of the coteries may have a fund to support past players.



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Dikk Reynolds Club

Any money they make from their activities goes to ex-Players who need a hand.


AFL players put their bodies on the line.

Surely they know that they might get injured

What a stupid thing to say.