Kanye West begs Mark Zuckerberg for $1B

The casual racism is strong with this thread

I agree. It is appalling Yeezy wasn’t nominated for an Oscar.

White people suck.

Mark Zuckerberg, give me $1 billion, yo.

Apparently Zuckerberg told him

Ask yo ho bro
she be rollin’ in dough, yo

Just coz …

cant for the life of me understand why he is so highly regarded amongst some

comes off as a deluded fkwit in the public forums and his music is borderline painful to listen to

i dont get it.

The gifted are often misunderstood. Poor guy.

Dunno about gifted … touched maybe.

Its all PR and marketing.

Please think of his child, North West, as everything seems to be going South for his family at the moment.

That could eastily be the worst pun ever …

There’s a few moral compasses missing around here.

I wonder if he’s asked Taylor Swift. She’s probably got a billion or two lying around the back of the sofa.

I wonder if he's asked Taylor Swift. She's probably got a billion or two lying around the back of the sofa.

Well, she’s got him to thank for everything after all.

I’m just wondering when that sick sideshow of a family decide he’s becoming a risk and it would be more profitable to engineer a divorce and the poor ■■■■■■■ winds up on the street with all of the fake glitz and affluence gone.

One of their own killed a guy, got a sex change and was branded a hero, their pr team can canonise kanye given enough time.

Saint Kanye. Somehow I get the impression he’d be unsatisfied with that title.

Kanye is a good musician and his 3rd most recent album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is one of the best albums of all time in its genre if not in general. It is one of my favourites too. The rest of them are great (excl. Yeezus which IMO is trash and 808s which is just average).

He is also a bit of a ■■■■■■. I remember when he spoke for about 10 mins on Jimmy Kimmel about how it’s ridiculous YSL and Ralph Lauren gear costs 100 quid for just an average T shirt just because their logo is on there. His new brand sells cardigans for roughly $4-5k do they not? ■■■■■■.

I cannot fkg stand Kim Kardashian or any of her family. Their fame and the level of revere they attract are a sad reflection on society.

Kim K's app makes ...
At one point, according to reports, more than 9,000 people per second were downloading the app. At that rate, Kim’s Kimoji was grossing about $1 million a minute.

That makes me want to vomit eat it and vomit again.

Kim K's app makes ...
At one point, according to reports, more than 9,000 people per second were downloading the app. At that rate, Kim’s Kimoji was grossing about $1 million a minute.

That makes me want to vomit eat it and vomit again.

Don’t forget to cook it ala jackass

Kim K's app makes ...
At one point, according to reports, more than 9,000 people per second were downloading the app. At that rate, Kim’s Kimoji was grossing about $1 million a minute.

That makes me want to vomit eat it and vomit again.

Don’t forget to cook it ala jackass

Or chase it down with grass and water a la Jack ‘Deckham’ Russell.

Another development.

It’s like Depak Chopra without the contrived ‘goodwill’.

I’ll give you ten bucks for your ear Kanye.

I feel like the real message has been lost here.

Mark Zuckerberg… aka the guy who literally runs Facebook… has a Twitter, and someone chose to contact him on that and expected him to reply.
Isn’t that a bit of a slap?