Kind of Training... Maybe. But not really 15-2-19

The avatar lends weight to his credibility for mine.


I remember one time in Varanasi, it was late dusk and we were in a bus heading up the on ramp to the highway and there was a truck coming in the opposite direction towards us. For the locals it was just normal. You just have to leave it to them to work it out - actually you have no choice.

When you get to the hotel, you have the choice to change underwear straight away or go straight to the bar.


Now this is quality intel. All future training reports to include an update on bucket hats please.


Hooksey has definitely lost a couple of kegs.

edit- ■■■■ and i was wondering why he was looking so different. The man bun is gone!


Thank fark for that, I love the big Hooker man, but that hairstyle was atrocious.


We’re crawling along right now: please please please don’t end up in a position where we need to reverse (not many opportunities to turn around!)

What’s Luke Ball up to these days (other than having a cuppa watching a few blokes kind of training).

Is he media or staff?

So, its 7.15am, how many cups of chai did they offer you so far ?

Great. What kind of random injuries can we look forward to hearing about next week?

Twisted ankle from surfing maybe? Torn webbing from ten pin bowling? Allergic reaction to aromatherapy oils?


Hey, “good” news. We just passed a truck which has dropped a wheel off the edge and is not going anywhere.

So maybe we speed up now.

Wait, two trucks.

And we’re slow again.

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I think the stick figures showed more cohesion and flag winning potential.


I don’t know his name, but his fez is familiar.

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Photos from this mornings rehab group training session for anyone that’s interested in taking a look


At least it’s a normal Indian protest, so you can get a drink when you arrive.
Not like election days, vote counting days, national & religious holidays, urban riots or Rajiv Ghandi being blown up, all of which can make alcohol very difficult to obtain.
Although the riot in Calcutta outside the Swedish Film Festival opening didn’t close the bars from memory.

It’s not “Wall of Truth” worthy… yet.

We’re back on a sealed surface and free-flowing. For now.

He occasionally takes a group for a few drills. Mainly rehabs. I’ve seen him sip coffees.

stringer’s bucket hat or bust for mine


You can see how Mutch has bulked up this year.

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