Latest Bomber Magazine

FWIW there's probably a bit of a generational thing happening here. If I get a physical mag I give it attention, if I get an email I dump it. Bear with me a moment. The Wangaratta Jazz and Blues Festival downgraded their program to a tissue paper version this year after over 2 decades of glossy collectables that I personally treasure and continue to consult and the result was that even though the festival had lots to admire one of the major topics was how ■■■■■■ off patrons were at the crappy program and some people ventured the opinion that if they shifted to a download version that might be it for them. Membership is a fragile vessel, careful how you treat it. Plenty of aging fossils like me appreciate their mag. Cost cutting can sometimes degenerate into throat cutting.

yep. In the future, it will be the norm that all members grew up in the era of computers. But there are currently a lot that did not. And I've heard many of them mention they get frustrated that so many things end up going "online". They've been members for 40, 50, even 60+ years, and feel like they're being ignored and shut out. I'd like to think the club would remain respectful of long term members in this situation.

Seriously DVD's suck though.

Just noticed the mag is available for download on EFC website.


Click here to download out interactive Bomber Magazine on iPad from the iTunes store.

Please note if you have already downloaded the Bomber Magazine on your iPad you simply have to download the latest update for the fresh 2014 Yearbook content.

If in future the mag is to be available only by download, please spare a thought for those many people who do not have an Apple account with i-tunes nor own an Apple device.

Farken iTunes!!!



i-Tunes huh

Not only should the mag stay, for reasons outlined earlier and reiterated by grr and koala, but it should also have extra content.

Back in the 90s there were more in depth interviews with players. While we can see them on Instagram these days and in post match interviews, I feel we know less about them.

For instance about 12 years ago or more there was a piece on Judd Lalich playing guitar. I could tell you who plays guitar now or what Paddy Ambrose does in his downtime. It’s genuine fluff, but it’s great to get that insight and builds a connection.

Further, I’m sure you would have no trouble finding freelancers if te work is too much for current comms staff…

I enjoy my mag a great deal and would be sad to see it go. Also happy to pay a premium on my membership for it.

As far as a DVD of Bomber TV/Hangar stuff, I wouldn't mind it, but wouldn't care too much either. I already consume that content when it's put on the club website, in fact BomberTV is pretty much the only part of the website I bother with since it's been taken over by Telstra. Rest of the content just feels too generic.

Got mine from bunnings.