Launching of Fed Sq Walk to G April 2nd - Walk at 12.34pm

I will be there. Would not miss it.

Don't fark this up. Don't make my football club look stupid.

Not sure if yr trying to be ironic about the club looking stupid… By having the strength of supporters to show passionate support even after all we have been through…

should be awesome

We’ll be there.

This thing is happening. Personally I like it. But even if you don’t think its a great idea, too late, it’s happening so get behind it and don’t make your club look stupid. It’s up to us.

I think you are all bigger than this. We all know the injustice and crap of the past but this reeks of Waco Texas and the pursuit of finding a suitable alternate reality. Good luck with it though

I think you are all bigger than this. We all know the injustice and crap of the past but this reeks of Waco Texas and the pursuit of finding a suitable alternate reality. Good luck with it though

There’s no question of an alternative reality. This event isn’t saying that nothing happened, it’s acknowledging everything that’s happened and saying “Look, we’re still here”.

This event is about the pure victims of this mess… The players and supporters coming together and showing that we are united still.

Got permission to use those logos?

Yep. All good. Club will help
Promote soon too

Huge effort to get something like this off the ground.

Props to CJ and his team

This isn"t going to be like Cersei"s walk of shame from Game of Thrones, is it?

I don’t want ■■■■/abuse hurled at me.

I think you are all bigger than this. We all know the injustice and crap of the past but this reeks of Waco Texas and the pursuit of finding a suitable alternate reality. Good luck with it though

There’s no question of an alternative reality. This event isn’t saying that nothing happened, it’s acknowledging everything that’s happened and saying “Look, we’re still here”.

Pretty much spot on. 12:34 time acknowledges 34 players and 12 that are listed at Essendon. This year probably being the most difficult for all concerned including club. It sets a tone for first home game that the 142 year history of this club is bigger than all of this still. No matter what gets thrown at us…we are Essendon people first who support the club and EVERY past and present player on our list whether suspended or recent draft pick. Time for one day to drop cynicism. Every past player has a free ticket to the game and for one day it’s just a great idea to show again we can’t be broken…under odds that likely most other clubs would be.

If you want to bring a sign that supports 34…bring it. Want to bring an EFC sign…bring it. It’s all encompassing as it’s all a part of our club and will be moving forward. Matthew Lloyd, Scott Lucas, Longy, Neale Daniher etc will have game day stuff happening and I love that we come together. Might be cheesy to some but I want our club like this.

The Walk from response last night to me will be significant. Past players will join us so I hope we all come and walk together.

:heavy_plus_sign: 4 from my family.

Really wish I could be there… Well done CJ and others for organising it… Hope to see plenty of #standbyhird signs too! Good luck and thanks from those who can’t make it.

I applaud the sentiment CJ, and am currently trying to re-arrange meetings in Sydney so I can be there.

I do understand the hesitance on this board though. There’s a nasty smear that currently hangs over our club, one of our greatest champions has been treated appallingly and had his reputation unfairly destroyed, and 12 of our players are subject to an unjustified and yet unchallengeable ban for something they didn’t do.

No amount of fans, past players or celebrities turning up to a game can change that. In fact, the only thing that could ever change it is if the individual at the centre of the 2012 supplements regime finally told the truth about what he did.

So for me personally, while I’m pleased the club is trying to do something for the fans and the players, I’d be happier to hear that they’re exploring every avenue they can to make that testimony happen.

See you on the 2nd. I hope.

Just booked my flights. Im in

Nice work wob, see you at the Walk.

Im having trouble buying tickets. I entered my membership codes and all was fine and was about to purchase but forgot my card. Got out, went to do it again and it says my entitlenents are exhausted. Any ideas?

Im having trouble buying tickets. I entered my membership codes and all was fine and was about to purchase but forgot my card. Got out, went to do it again and it says my entitlenents are exhausted. Any ideas?

Yep, ring the club m/ship line.

Looks like a few will attend. Only areas of great southern available are top deck and behind goals. Whats the front row of the top level like?

Hmm, I’d ask DJR about that one. He seems to know all the machinations of seating through Tickettek/master, … how they sell crappy areas first at times etc … I doubt it’s as sold out as that at this point.

Meh got behind the goals up our end. Il take a walk to the grog squad