List Status for 2021 - Updates

No, 1 year contract from the preseason supplemental signing period.

I’m not convinced. We needed to have 4 rookies on the list. Who else was if he wasn’t?


He was signed as a rookie through that PSS process. Same as Zac Clarke the year before

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List at top updated to reflect Gleeson acceptance of 1 year contract trigger.

Waste of a list space keeping Gleeson for 2021. He’ll be the first axed this time next year.

Not the thread for this.
This is about who’s actually on and of the List

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Updated for Snelling signing new contract


Thanks for keeping this updated. Much appreciated.

Daniher transfer is complete yeah?

Where does Fantasia fit into the departure lounge? I guess he is more of a maybe than Saad as he is still contracted.

The other Irish dude, McBride?

(Not sure how rookie list A / B count, or where the Irish guys ended up getting listed)

McBride was a Cat B. You can only have one Irish Cat B at a time, so he was Cat B and McQuillan was standard rookie. Townsend was a rookie, the same way Z Clarke who was picked up via that pre-season thingo was also a rookie.

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Draper is listed as a rookie on footywire.

Which is actually wrong - his long term contract took him out of that Rookie category. The old maximum length on a Rookie List rule.

It’s one of the annoying bits of this - various semi-correct bits of information floating round. The Club website no longer specifies Rookies. And getting an answer on Cutler relied on a Blitzer listening to an interview with Cutler.


Thanks for pointing out the Daniher bit - subconsciously trying to forget him is my excuse.

Yeah, Fanta is technically contracted so he’ll stay until otherwise confirmed.

what was the answers on Cutler? Is he contracted for next year?

Yep. We Senior listed him on a solid contract when the Saints came knocking. Amazing footywire missed it.

Actually, we had to promote him regardless. 2019 was his third year as a rookie, he had to be promoted or delisted for 2020.

Apparently yes.
All responses to the Cutler Thread.
And virally in any trending Thread.

Updated for 2MP signing

So where are we at with this? I’m assuming 5 picks in the draft, 3 early and 2 academy. So how many more players do we need to delist?

we have 4 spots. so 1

assuming the list size drops by 2 as reported

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