Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

Mueller has charged Alex Van Der Zwaan, a dutch lawyer based in London.

And you left out “Here endeth the lesson”.

Dubya went teetotal years ago, after realising he was an alcoholic.

As for trump vs W - W had eight years to make blunders in. Trump’s only had 14 months so far. Give him time.

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So you’re saying my dream of one day knocking back a bunch of bourbons with Dubbya on his ranch… Can’t happen?

I hope he at least still smokes some weed.


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He can’t have actually said this:

“We need to have an honest conversation as to what should and should not be allowed in the United States as it relates to the things being put in the hands of our young people,” he told the Cincinnati Enquirer.

The things being put into young people’s hands?? He actually said that.

Let’s have an honest conversation about mass shootings but don’t mention guns.

They are totally insane.


A ‘commentator’ on CNN (yes, CNN, not Fox News) mentioned how back in his day kids had prayer at school, watched the Andy Griffith show and did not listen to rap. Hence less shootings.


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Trump is reported to be recommending to Sessions that he look into and propose a bump stock ban. Or anything that turns a legal weapon into effectively a machine gun.


There are no words

Actually there are
■■■■■■■ morons


And it’s been pointed out he was born the year after said show finished, and the main (?) character in said show noted only little men who wanted fear but not respect carried guns.


Yep! Go John Oliver!

There was an interesting piece of footage of Obama at a televised townhall style of talk. At the time he was on the way out and a lame duck president. He was asked why had not done more on guns. He pointed out the congress representatives have ensured that the issue isn’t even discussed.
The only way anything will get done is for the American people to flip the Congress and Senate.

US President Donald Trump has signed a memo directing the Justice Department to propose regulations to “ban all devices” like the rapid-fire bump stocks involved in last year’s Las Vegas massacre.


Good on him

It is a start at least


It’s a place to start. That being said, you can make a bump stock yourself. It comes well short of the monumental level of reform that is needed

I’m trying to find (and failing presently) something I read earlier today that argued that the ATF have previously said they wouldn’t have the legal authority to enforce such a direction without legislation being passed. I don’t know the merits of that argument but regardless still a positive move.

P.S. possibly one of my finest blitz moments this: vague argument from an article I can’t find, and whose worth I can’t judge. Savour the excellence. Doesn’t quite beat my David Hille as CHB suggestion though.

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…4 months after the Las Vegas massacre


There was a massive run on bump stocks after the shooting.