Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

I’ts got nothing to do with politics or free speech. I’d say its more like Clarko

Fit in or ■■■■ off.

Whilst complaining that we are restricting his right to speech.

What a hypocritical ■■■■■■■■ of the highest order.

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They can protest all they like.
However in this case its pointless and as a consequence they look stupid.

4 Goalpost shifts in 30 minutes, . that’s gotta be a new Tripper record?

The TDS is strong in this one …

Thanks for articulating what has been unsaid - conform to our group think or be banned.

So you believe everyone should have the right to protest, except for protests that are ‘pointless’ or ‘look stupid’


What on earth are you talking about - what goalpost shifts?

So protests never achieve anything is that right Trip. Better let those Germans know so that learn to live with that wall. While your at it, tell all those people that protested the Vietnam war as well.

No, that is not what I said.

They have every right to protest and I have every right to say its pointless and stupid.
In fact, if they keep up with this nonsense it just guarantees Trump another term.

I reckon if the protesters had signs saying “Free Pell” he would allow it

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Better not ask him on his thoughts about the American Civil Rights movement

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Again, this is not what I said.
Not all protests are the same. Some are worthwhile and some are ridiculous and are basically just attention seeking.

You do understand we dont like you for a bunch of reasons that have nothing to do with your politics?

In 18 months we’ll have a fair idea.

I actually don’t disagree with this, but you are making a total value judgement about what is ‘pointless’ and attention seeking. That’s opinion, not fact.

Some would say that the fact that the whole fn country is talking about this issue is already proof that the protests have been effective. I mean, you wouldn’t say that, because you are focused on the subject of the protest and not the effect, but you know, others think more critically and carefully about these things

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Are you 12 years old?

Ohhhh. So it’s alright for white folk to protest against oppression of other white folk in East Germany, or the death of all colours in Vietnam, but it’s not cool to protest about police shooting blacks because, you know, BLACKS man. They should all go back to their massers farms and pick cotton the damned uppity n!@@ers.

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Correct, its my opinion. I never said otherwise.
I would have thought the effect wanted was to reduce shootings, not to talk about them.

But then the Left have always been obsessed with appearing to do something, rather than actually doing.

He wouldn’t be being so immature if you weren’t such a doody-head.

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Donald Trump, hold my beer