Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

Or if the civil war resulted in two countries.

or the Chicxulub crater hadn’t happened 66 million years ago


Yah there would still be slaves!

I wasn’t complaining, my old man’s quite old and a Bombers fan, in fact you’d be the only I’m sure couldn’t be him as I know for a fact he doesn’t attend many vfl games. Raymond Briggs was in the same little corner of my high school library as Asterix and Robert Westall. It was like some subversive student teacher angel had arranged a little dark nook for a few kids to discover. Child of the 70’s and 80’s, not appreciative of the mushroom cloud coming back to haunt.

false flag done by Soros to get sympathy vot…

oh, um


I find it hard to believe that CNN being targeted wasn’t because of Trump…


The Day After ruined my childhood


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It’s an interesting one. Trump hasn’t called for anyone to blow up CNN or the Dems. His rhetoric is pathetic to be sure and just inflames the idiots and it is something as President he needs to realise is going to happen and make sure he stops this crap.

However there have been a few Dems who have pushed an agenda to harass Republicans and their families, it also has the possibility of inflaming nutjobs who will also use violence on Repubs. In fact it has already happened.

Both sides, and especially the President (for pete’s sake, start acting like a President, or just a human for a start), need to stop this constant attacking of eachother and the media. All they are doing is creating a nasty little situation which will blow up (literally).

BTW social media from both sides of the “discussion” have an interesting take on this. From the left “Trumps fault!”, from the alt-right “fake story created by a Dem lefty to blame the right, two weeks out from mid-terms”.


I reckon still getting them to chant “lock her up” at his rallies, praising a Republican candidate for physically attacking a reporter, his constant attacks on anyone who disagrees with him etc, is as close as you are going to get to calling for it without actually using the words. He has let it be known in no uncertain terms that he approves of mindless, fact free, violence against his opponents.


So you’re just ignoring that ‘enemy of the people’ stuff from a few weeks ago?


I agree

He has been painting Dems as evil and CNN as the enemy of the people, I am only surprised it took this long.

Trump has also defunded programs that were meant to address right wing terrorism.

PICTURES of an explosive device sent to former CIA director John Brennan have sparked a fierce debate over whether it contains an Islamic State flag.

The device was one of several sent to high-profile targets including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and news network CNN’s New York bureau.

The bomb threats triggered mass evacuations and were labelled an act of terror by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, among others, and have now sparked debate over whether the threats have any link to IS.

Twitter users began debating whether the terror group’s flag was featured in a package sent to the former CIA boss.

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Alt. U.S. Press Sec.@AltUSPressSec

That’s… not an ISIS flag on the #MAGABomber package.

Note the shape in the middle.

It’s a Larry the Cable guy promo sticker.

9:46 AM - Oct 25, 2018

On closer inspection, the image appears to be a ironic version of an ISIS flag taken from a meme that has been circulating across online right-wing groups since 2014.

The black-and-white sign appears to actually be a fake flag that replaces Arabic characters with the silhouette of three women in high heels, and a middle inscription reading “Get ‘Er Done” — which is the catchphrase of standup comedian Larry the Cable Guy.

According to NBC, a senior law enforcement official has now confirmed the discovered flag is in fact a parody of violent jihadi group’s.

The parody flag was created in 2014 by the right-wing comedy site World News Bureau, for an article titled “ISIS Vows Retribution For Counterfeit Flags”. It has since been shared as a meme on right-wing websites and forums.

Inside the device and next to the flag, a photo of somebody’s face can be seen. However, the identity of the person in that picture is still unknown.

Calm down everyone, there are good people on many sides of this whole ‘pipe bomb’ thing you know

And what even is a pipe bomb anyway? A bomb with pipes in it? Like plastic pipes? It doesn’t even sound that bad, come on. Plus you know, if the founding fathers had not wanted us to put pipes in bombs or bombs on pipes or whatever then they would have said so in the CONSITUTION


I feel like you mis-spelled “Constitution” on purpose. Actually, yes, I am going to run with that…



Add Maxine Waters to the list, unlike the others she received 2 bombs.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 25, 2018

Joe Biden the latest.

I’m surprised Warren and Sanders haven’t received one yet.

Something of this scale won’t have been perpetrated by a single individual, it’ll be one of those right-wing terrorist groups no doubt. It should be treated as attempted murder, not as just a threat.


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