Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

Again, your point Is hard to follow.
They’re declaring themselves more and more culpable.
If it were the reverse, I’d think you had a point.

Given they could just say, ‘we’re investigating it’ for five years and not ever given a conclusion…

Accepting responsibility is a good thing.
More than Some countries would ever do.

It’s easiest to think of the Saudis in Al Qaeda as rebels against the government. The US support for the Sauds needed to end for the rebels to have any chance. Bin Laden didn’t think the US would take much more than a campaign of terror attacks to be persuaded. Basically: you guys don’t even like the Sauds, we’re angry and dispossessed, you’re living the good life, we can kill you with impunity, why don’t you just let it go?

So it made it hard to not double down on support for the Sauds.

Seems generous, but okay.

I think the point still stands, do we really think the country that that had the majority of citizens responsible for a terrorist attack killing thousands of Americans is squirming over the assasination of One journalist, because of pressure from the US when people are wearing this?


To be fair though that shirt is about Caro



It says Journalist??


Yeah I wondered that bit too.

There’s a different version that says ‘communication specialist’


Of course they were rebels against the government. That’s why they were funded by the government.

Oh, hang on a second. Sorry, funded until it created too much political push back. My bad.

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Yep Saudi royals and elites are partly responsible for funding and allowing its citizens to spread Salafism and wahabbisim which is the main driver of the ideology used by terrorists.

The west backed the wrong horse.

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The West seems chronically bad with horse backing.


From 2016 to 2017, Saudi payments to US Lobbyists, went from 7 Million, to 27 Million Dollars.

It’s really no wonder Drumpf is meeking out on this.


Authorities have arrested bomber suspect, a bloke in his 50’s, in Sth Florida.

Was expecting multiple fruitcakes, I am disappoint…

Guys van windows are covered in Trump / Pence / MAGA stickers, … and weirdly, before the press could get a good close up view rather than distant Chopper video, … someone thought it should be covered with a blue tarp.

Wonder who might have benefited from the covering of it, and would have the power to order it done?? :thinking:

Too bad someone took a shot and put it on the web before they got it done.

Bad luck Donny, … fkn gotcha!!

Multiple people now coming forward with other photos of this same van over the last year or so. ■■■■■■ insane. You take ill informed folks, add viral nature of conspiracy theories on social media and “faux” news, then mix in a bigoted president and this is what you get.

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Waiting for Trumps tweet saying the Van windows were covered in Hillary and Dem stickers.

He is too busy tweeting about losing twitter followers and how this ““bomb” stuff” is fake news.


That photo looks fake as anything

Look at the shadows from a noon sun, but then there is shadows going to the left of the decal? The reflection is a white car, but looks like a dark green car taking the shot?

Even look at the way the writing pops, way too fresh and clean

Glad the fruitcake is with authorities, but this doesn’t help

wut? :no_mouth:

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