Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

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Htcman been hacked

CESAR Sayoc, the man arrested in connection to the string of pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats and outspoken Trump critics this week, has an extensive criminal record, it has been revealed.

Federal authorities took Sayoc, 56, into custody on Friday (local time) in Florida in connection with the mail-bomb scare that earlier widened to 12 suspicious packages. He was arrested at an auto-parts store in the city of Plantation, about 30km north of his home in the South Florida city of Aventura.

Law enforcement officials have since confirmed, according to the New York Times , that Sayoc is a registered Republican who has a lengthy history of criminal convictions.

Public records from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, obtained by CNN, reveal that Sayoc’s criminal history dates back to the early 1990s, with his rap sheet including felony theft, drug and fraud charges.

Among them is a third-degree grand theft charge in 1991, several felony charges for possession of a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid in 2004, and a battery conviction in 2013.

But most notable among the string of convictions is a 2002 arrest in Miami for threatening to “discharge a destructive device”.

The online records do not provide details about the case, CNN reports, but they show that Sayoc pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year of probation.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a sane person called cesar

I know an Ecuadorian named Cesar. He’s a good bloke.


Trump was asked if he might “tone down his rhetoric” for a few days. He said he already had, then he kinda said no, then he said he could really “tone it up” as he is treated unfairly. Classic Trump, always the victim and always expressed in a word salad.

Like Charlottsville, these moments where he is required to be a moral leader expose him the most.

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So it could have been grits.

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Wut? Just a “kook”? So not a terrorist, then. Phew.


My Favourite is

“Top Youth Soccer Recruits For Trump”



I just LOL’ed so hard!

I think I have mentioned this here before but last year my neighbors (new renters) called the police on me because they saw “a man with a rifle walking around” in our apartment. It was me with my quadcopter drone in my own bedroom. Long story short the cops pulled up with guns out. The cops were super-chill the moment they realized what had gone down and the look on the face of my neighbor when she saw my face was priceless. She refused to apologize and just snuck back in to the house. It could have gone pear-shaped but didn’t.



I seriously can’t even imagine what it’s like to live like that.
Let alone the idea of police turning up to my house with guns drawn.
I’d move. No question about it.


My partner is Indian and living in the US (US citizen) and I worry a bit about this sort of thing.

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So you trip as you open the door and then what happens?
Nope, nope, nope.
I’d be outta there.


Solution; shoot before they do. Then run like fark.

Holy crap. Glad it turned out okay.

'Merica! in a nutshell.


I know. The lengths people will go to, just to make clearly fake anti trump stuff. Like this video of the exact same van:

Or this photo that Fox News tried to get hold of to show how badly it was photoshopped:


It’s all good guys, Fox News blurred out the pictures so that there isn’t any awkward questions about what was on the van. Problem solved.

Clearly more dodgy photoshopping. The tarp is blue, but something about green. Sorry, I couldn’t understand htcman’s post well enough to pickup the story.