Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

It’s interesting that the estimated cost of the shutdown is about four billion. That’s similar to the difference between proposed funding for the wall by Democrats and Trump.

About 3 billion permanent is predicted, 11 overall. You might’ve been talking Oz dollars. Either way enough money to do quite a lot of good for health and education, or to pay an end of year bonus for an underperforming fat cat.

Things is it’s not about the money or securing the border. It’s literaly Trumps No 1 priority. As such all the compromises treating it as a normal policy negotiation are completely missing the point.

It’s Trumps No 1 priority so Dems want some very big things in return or no deal. Things like proper and full recognition of Dreamers. DC and Puerto Rico to be full states. Gun control.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 US election is close to wrapping up, according to Acting US Attorney-General Matthew Whitaker.

Mr Whitaker’s comments mark the first time a top Government official with knowledge of the investigation has publicly confirmed the probe is in its final stages.

Interesting that Trump’s man is making statements like this on an ongoing investigation. Wonder what they are hoping to achieve.

Yeh, but…

“36% of Americans hold a valid passport, according to the State Department, compared to 60% of passport-holding Canadians and 75% for Brits and Aussies.”

Its the 64% without passports that are the bigger worry.


Don’t want to or can’t travel?

He was Trump’s pick, don’t think he is Trump’s man though. Most people he picks usually end up on the other side of his favour, out of choice.

Yep - he was a Bush Snr AG I think. So definitely an establishment pick.

America is the greatest country on earth - why travel. Although I bet you ironically they can get into Mexico without ID.

That’s Bill Barr isn’t it? The as yet unconfirmed nominee for AG, as opposed to Whitaker the current acting AG.

Whitaker was a rabid anti-Mueller soundbite offerer prior to getting the call iirc.


Yeah sorry, you’re correct.

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To be fair, I think a US drivers’ licence allows you to visit many Caribbean countries, Mexico and Canada. Given the size of North America, and how poor many Americans are, its perhaps not unreasonable that they don’t have passports as much.

So the US is sending it’s poor and struggling citizens to neighbouring countries without passports! These countries need to build walls. How many criminals, drug dealers, and rapists are flooding across their borders? Disgusting behaviour from Merica.

Build the wall!
Build the wall!


That’s one way to get Mexico to pay for a wall


Plus if you need to see the wonders of the world you just go to Vegas. The world really is flat dontcha know


Her presidential bid was always going to be short lived, she is an enemy of the established Democrats and has a few issues with her progressive credentials, namely her past stance on Gay rights, her most recent stance on torture and her ties to Hindu Nationalism in India

She does seem to be across foreign policy more than many of the Progressive front runners; with both Bernie and Warren a little out of their element when it comes to international issues

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This guy. Read the bottom tweet first. Castigating the CIA and FBI. Unbelievable. Never mind the typos.



The whole article was a bit hyperbolic. I mean how the heck is her campaign ‘melting down’ because of some opaque staffing issues, given that it has just started? No one is going to remember this in two months time.

I’ve explained before that her past issues with Gay rights stems from her super-conservative father, she has evolved on these issues from a very young age and has issued apologies for stances taken before. Her congressional record is 100% pro-LGBT.

I’m not a Tulsi “stan” but the hypocrisy of treatment for her vs establishment friendly picks is staggering (and predictable).