Manchester Terrorist Attack

Bomb wouldn’t have gone off if the people were armed


Aha, so he isn’t a Muslim cleric! He is just a far right nazi fascist. I knew it, I could tell by the way he wasn’t playing the victim card.

He is still a leader and he is also a Muslim. I am unsure why you are saying what you are? Also MW is hardly a fount of all good wisdom, they tend to be rather bias at times.

See, I think the ones Dingus refers to as morons, in the main, are the folk I would term, ill informed, or mis informed, and therefore Ignorant to the facts.
The Murdoch press and commercial stations news & current affairs programs are still very popular, and what many people don’t realise, is that we have had “Fake news” in this country for a very long time, and those outlets are it.

Tabloid news and Journalism are their stock in trade, and ever since “News” became a ratings / entertainment business, over the past decade, it’s gotten much worse.

I would only term those people morons, if they were aware of the skewing of their reporting to elicit outrage and further a certain right wing agenda, and then continued to watch & be sucked in by it, regardless of & despite the knowledge of that fact.


Not a Leader of anything.

Self invented, self proclaimed.

And yes, MW does have a bias, … a bias for exposing Murdoch media bullshit, and other paid for, “Cash for comment” style, compromised, garbage “journalism”,

Edit: And JFTR, they call out Aunty for, & whenever, they engage in similar behaviour, or do not do due diligence & fact checking, & then put stories to air that turn out to be rubbish.

Gee, thank goodness I don’t subscribe to, or watch/read. any of those “moronic” “fake” news papers, or shows. Phew!

Having worked in the highest echelons of the military/government and having seen, firsthand, the manipulation of the media and, in turn, general public, I find it extremely sad that you would think the “media” you consume is so much more factual, on point or “woke”.

Each to his own, I guess.

I know what you are saying,… but you can’t hold the media in general responsible for how Government bodies and corps manipulate the stories, and try to control the message, which they have all gotten very good at, …but at least, it has no corporate masters pulling strings, … nor is it in the business of trying to win ratings wars to sell commercials by fanning the flames of outrage with piles of bullshit.

If you defend the status quo, which is getting innocent people and children killed in higher and higher numbers, and rubbish alternative ideas on ideological grounds, then not only I am very happy not only to call you a moron, but also a callous, cruel, hypocrite.

I’m not sure you’ve done the “cause” any favours by posting that link, BD.

Because that Media Watch rundown is about as hypocritical as you can get. Tawhidi is dismissed as a compromised, Sunni-opposing Shia “fake Imam” on the authority of the entirely Sunni Imam’s Council of Australia !? LMFAO.

You could write that article in reverse with no real change to the ludicrous nature of the reasoning.


Agree. Media Watch is now so awfully biased with Barry as host.

It’s a long time ago now but I couldn’t get enough of S Littlemore.

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Dont get me wrong, Tawhidi is a crank. Imo, they all are. But i find him less objectionable in many ways to the flogs that the Imam Council elect to their leadership positions and then defend when they invariably seem to sprout equally - or worse- inflammatory rhetoric.

Yeah, I’m not saying it’s the be all & end all, … just pointing out that he is yet another self styled, self appointed mouth piece, making a nice little earner by being the “Cash for Comment” go to guy for the right, when they want someone from the faith as a supposed “Authority” saying things to back up their view, and make their viewers feel justified in their views, and that he is, in reality, not a Leader of anything,

If that is all that is required, I could convert to Islam myself tomorrow, dress up in the gear, and proclaim myself as one as well.

And let’s face it, the vast majority of their audience wouldn’t have a clue that there was such a thing as Sunni & Shia, … much less the differences, or why they are violently opposed to, and kill each other by the thousands.

To wit…

But he caused an even bigger stir when he claimed, again on Today Tonight, that Islamic extremists were planning to set up a Caliphate in Australia and rename local streets after murdering Islamists:

IMAM TAWHIDI: It’s to create another country or another government within the Australian government. That’s what I believe is their agenda, these extreme Muslims.

— Channel Seven, Today Tonight, 27 February, 2017

The chance of that happening? Around about zero.

But that didn’t stop Tawhidi telling Andrew Bolt, how unpleasant the caliphate’s punishments would be, especially for Australian Muslims who cheated on their taxes:

MOHAMMAD TAWHIDI: … They put his head in a pot, they cook it, they eat it, then they rape his wife that same night

— The Bolt Report, 29 March, 2017

So, was that a cue for the media to stop taking him seriously? Not at all.

I mean … farken lol, & wow, & ffs. Why would he ever be on these shows again after spouting such tripe, unless …??

getting back to the original incident, I’m reading that the prick actually walked in with a suitcase and placed it down? It changes nothing really, but I kinda hope that it went off unexpectedly and he was actually meant to have survived under the “plan”.

Not sure of that, … I think it’s more the case that the “Media” landscape, and “Alt Facts” have gotten far far worse, and way more prevalent since he’s taken over, and also perhaps that he has a bit of a more snide & condescending way about him.

Haven’t seen that. I was looking at “Leaked” photos (which Brit authorities are none too happy about) of what was believed to be pieces of a back pack earlier??

yeah, so was I. But then i found some references to a suitcase and how it may be why ISIS didn’t call it a suicide attack. Just on a quick check I think the backpack story may be the latest version though.

Do you think people who are religious are mentally ill for believing in a being that is not apparent? Alot of outspoken atheists think this… would that be part of the mental illness initiative?

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Delusion isn’t abnormal and delusionists are not necessarily harmful.

There doesn’t need to be a pogrom to cleanse the earth of religion.

I’m also not convinced that all terrorists / murderers are mentally ill. Obviously some are, but there’s a difference between being unhinged and being insensed. Both can lead to acts that are abhorrent.

I’d like to see some objective analysis on the root causes of terrorist acts by individuals as opposed to media and political driven opinions.


I am not defending any status quo, in fact I spent part of my life defending innocent people and children. I have been involved in cleaning up the mess left behind of innocent people and children killed and maimed from mines and IEDs. I have seen the damage first hand that these type of things produce.

Your alternative idea is rubbish and is nothing but a call for BIG Government. Is that what you think is going to fix this problem? More government oversight? Or maybe a one world government with open borders and no countries?

If calling me names makes you feel superior in someway then go ahead. Knock your socks off.