Marriage is totally Gay

I think I’ve identified trip.


That’s not offensive. Only the left are offensive. The people - the silent minority who I speak for - agrees with old mate Abetz.

Big story about to break that will create a massive shitstorm

Gil: I am a bit worried that Yes banner is not being well received by everyone. Can we get “Sarah” out of retirement to phone in a bomb hoax?


Why would any company come out for No, barring a deep religious conviction at management level. If the split is 70-30, then the market for the yes side is more than twice the side.

Only yes and not having a position makes any sense.


Didn’t coopers beer kinda do a no add. Along the lines of let’s have a respectful debate.

Hipsters and pubs revolted pretty quickly.

I think that was more along the “bible society” lines.

Edit: It was also promoting light beer, so they can go straight to hell.


Tony Abbott assaulted by a guy in Hobart today wearing a YES badge

I thoroughly dislike Tone as much as anyone however violence, even jokingly, is not the right thing. It is even worse when it is being stated in a thread about homosexual issues where violence against them has been discussed.

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No. I’m just not surprised. It’s been as divisive campaign that SSM advocates warned against, and ■■■■■ like Tony Abbott disregarded for his own political ends. No doubt this encouraged a nutcase to headbutt him, which that ■■■■ Abbott will exploit for further political gain.

Love is Love.

Bolt described the alleged attacker as a having “tatts and that sort of stuff”.

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Northcote barista?


We could have used those No guys when the AFL was screwing over our players and sentencing them to years of hell.

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Probably a No voter disguised as a Yes voter.

Thats how we play, yeah?


Would need a top knot for Northcote.


You mean a Yes voter masquerading as a No voter pretending to be a Yes voter.

for a religious bloke, Tutu has a good handle on things. Perhaps being crapped on from a great height has taught him a lot more about injustice than most of us could comprehend.

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And hatred begets hatred.