Match day - ANZAC Day 2023

This is garbage

I would argue that Geelong reigns supreme, with Collingwood second. But anyway, what the heck, they have to turn things around.

This is going to haunt this team for a while

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28 ■■■■■■■ points.

He has not had a good day, too slow to get foot to ball.

Where’s the play on calls?

Get rid of menzies, never rated him ever

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It might be hard to drop everyone. Phillips was worse than Menzie.

menzie not good enough

I’m so sick and tired of rocking up each year on this day and watching us wilt under the pressure.


at least we’ve now confirmed what we all suspected.

Menzie playing to his strengths….

We’re young and have probably done better than anyone would’ve thought 4 weeks ago. So hang in there guys. I feel your pain and next week might be horrible too but we are a much better team now.


The great Essendon collapse


Cant play menzie and Davey in the same team…they do fark all


From loving life, to leaving early. ■■■■ this club

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Like the good ol’ days. Never send a man to do a woman’s work.


What a waste.

Oh well

We would have won if we played with 2 less players assuming they were Heppel and menzie

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