Matt Rosa - the new list boss man

It also helped when champions in our zone walk in off the street to play for us.


Glad to hear heā€™s in form. Ruckman, then Chairman of Selectors. I hope Rosaā€™s getting a few tips from him.

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David Collins also had a huge influence. Not sure what happened to him

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David Collins is head of the past players currently.


Ever heard of a joke mate ?



Was just a genuine question. No source

Should be instabans for anyone pedalling this tin foil hat nonsense.


Was literally just a question more no less.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing
I want to go back and re-pick my lotto numbers over the years

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What has highsight got to do with it.He is ā– ā– ā– ā–  at picking talent.Honestly really,look at other clubs mate that have been up top for so long and keep doing it because they can pick talent and manage a list.That is what we use to be like until he took control.Wake up people.If I had 26 years to build a team I would ā– ā– ā– ā–  on this bloke

Itā€™s like any job you do,doesnā€™t mean youā€™re going be good at it.Just because someone gives you the job

Iā€™ve been in my industry for 32 years and have seen a lot of ā– ā– ā– ā– ,but some other people think they r greatā€‹:rofl::rofl:,they r ā– ā– ā– ā–  to but they r bosses so,what do you do

He is about as average as it gets. And with his injuries and age he is irrelevant to our future.

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All speaks to a club not prepared to actually do the hard yards into developing a good side.

Donā€™t think that improves purely with Disco moving on any more than it improved when X or Woosh or Rutten left. It needs to be the focus of the club.

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It doesnā€™t improve necessary with Disco moving on. Not if they donā€™t develop them, get them conditioned, raise them with great standards by strong leaders etcā€¦.

Tsatas development has been failed by the club. As Vozzo concedes. Now playing inside mid minutes in VFL to strengthen his game and address development failures for him.

To be, we need to have whole club functioning to high level to move up ladder. Itā€™s not just getting rid of a list mgt and saying weā€™re on our way backā€¦ Its just one change to hopefully steer club on the right course.

Be preferable if those ā€œstrong leadersā€ knew what success looks like

As much as I want to avoid topping up again, I wouldnā€™t be adverse to targeting genuine leadership in an older player. I canā€™t really think of a standout but I wonder if somebody like Macrae from the dogs may be an option. Not sure what heā€™s actually like (may be quiet) but he seems to be a professional as far as his preparation goes so might influence better culture in that area. Parker is another option who might be worth bringing in just to lift standards. Heā€™d be the toughest bloke on our list by a fair way so if some of that rubbed off it would be a win.



Iā€™m not averse to getting in senior players that have tasted success and can command some respect. Because to be honest, when our draftees come into the program who commands the respect, whoā€™s achieved great success, no one on our list can honestly say that. Yeah ok Stringer won a flag at the dogs but to me he doesnā€™t command respect. Quite the opposite. Even Merrett, because ultimately whatā€™s he achieved in a team environment? some individual accolades thatā€™s it.

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