Middle East Discussion

... backs away from thread...

ALT F4!!!

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Another IS attack using truck bomb, nearly 50 killed:


Radiation therapy is used to eliminate cancer cells.
ISIS are a cancer
So use radiation “therapy” to eliminate them. A few well placed nukes in Syria and Iraq wouldn’t go astray.

Yeah! Slaughter millions of them indiscriminately!! THAT will teach them what happens to people who commit mass killings!

Wait, hang on…

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Mass genocide, is there anything it can’t fix?

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Thought the articles posted by IT were a bit old. First time I’ve seen the thread.

Hitler started by rounding up artists , scholars etc.... aswell

Then set fire to the Reichstag, used it as an excuse for further crackdowns and the course of events was set.

And now governments use the fear of terror to gain more powers like tracking Metadata and other “reforms”.

When you want to breach privacy rights of individual, make up a terror plot.

Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated. Isn’t this how wars start?

Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated. Isn't this how wars start?

Yes it is


Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated. Isn't this how wars start?

Yes it is

My guess: he was killed by someone from Isis who has read the same history books we have, and is TRYING to use it to stir up hostilities between turkey & Russia, cos the Russian air raids are hurting.

Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated. Isn't this how wars start?

Yes it is

My guess: he was killed by someone from Isis who has read the same history books we have, and is TRYING to use it to stir up hostilities between turkey & Russia, cos the Russian air raids are hurting.

Or someone sympathetic to the Syrian opposition in Aleppo because the Russian involvement supporting Assad has been key.

The entire region is a freaking shambles no matter how you look at it.

And now we have an rsole driving a truck through a crowd in Germany, a country with (relatively) limited involvement in the Mideast and a record of taking more Refugees than any other Euro nation.

This will never end. Small minorities have the ability to do outsized damage and perpetuate the hostilities.

Thought the articles posted by IT were a bit old. First time I've seen the thread.
Hitler started by rounding up artists , scholars etc.... aswell

Then set fire to the Reichstag, used it as an excuse for further crackdowns and the course of events was set.

And now governments use the fear of terror to gain more powers like tracking Metadata and other “reforms”.

When you want to breach privacy rights of individual, make up a terror plot.

That’s what they say the reason for the CHOGM bombing was. (in Sydney I think? ) Was allegedly the security service because they were losing funding. No one was supposed to be killed IIRC. Was a documentary on it years ago.

These people are sick! I notice with interest that the mother and father don’t bother doing suicide runs. Pathetic individuals.

Egypt has confirmed it has arrested an Al Jazeera news producer, accusing him of “provoking sedition” on behalf of the Qatar-based broadcaster that the country considers a mouthpiece of the banned Muslim Brotherhood.

Judicial sources said Mahmoud Hussein, who was detained on Friday, was being held on charges of disturbing public security and spreading false news.

The Interior Ministry said in a statement Al Jazeera officials “had ordered some individuals collaborating with the channel inside the country to continue implementing its media plan of provoking sedition, incitement against the state, and spreading chaos through broadcasting false news”.

It identified Mr Hussein as a person implementing that plan for the channel, which is not allowed to operate inside Egypt.

Al Jazeera issued a statement later on Sunday denying the “fabricated charges” brought against Mr Hussein and demanding his immediate release, adding that he was in Egypt on vacation and not for work.

“[Hussein] is a news producer in the Al Jazeera Arabic newsroom and not a correspondent supervisor as alleged by the statement … [he] would not have travelled through the airport at Egypt if he was undertaking any illegal activities as alleged by the MOI statement,” the statement said.

The broadcaster expressed concerns over Mr Hussein’s safety.

“Al Jazeera holds the Egyptian authorities against subjecting Mahmoud to torture or extracting any information from him by force,” it said.
Egypt has arrested several Al Jazeera reporters over the past two years, raising concerns over the freedom of journalists working in the country.

It occurs to me that this thread has a misleading title.
I keeping looking to see if someone is actually having a discussion about the Middle East, but all I ever see are filtered news items related to violence perpetrated by people of Middle Eastern descent.

Perhaps a title change is in order. I can think of a few good ones.

It occurs to me that this thread has a misleading title. I keeping looking to see if someone is actually having a discussion about the Middle East, but all I ever see are filtered news items related to violence perpetrated by people of Middle Eastern descent.

Perhaps a title change is in order. I can think of a few good ones.

Shut up or I will beat you to death with a week old falafel!

It occurs to me that this thread has a misleading title. I keeping looking to see if someone is actually having a discussion about the Middle East, but all I ever see are filtered news items related to violence perpetrated by people of Middle Eastern descent.

Perhaps a title change is in order. I can think of a few good ones.

Shut up or I will beat you to death with a week old falafel!


It occurs to me that this thread has a misleading title. I keeping looking to see if someone is actually having a discussion about the Middle East, but all I ever see are filtered news items related to violence perpetrated by people of Middle Eastern descent.

Perhaps a title change is in order. I can think of a few good ones.

Nah, it gives IT some respectability to post his hate and bile for anything anti-Israel.

It occurs to me that this thread has a misleading title. I keeping looking to see if someone is actually having a discussion about the Middle East, but all I ever see are filtered news items related to violence perpetrated by people of Middle Eastern descent.

Perhaps a title change is in order. I can think of a few good ones.

Nah, it gives IT some respectability to post his hate and bile for anything anti-Israel.

WTF? Where have I said anything about that stuff in here?

You lot need to relax and focus on the news story not on your own hate and bile for anything I post.

It occurs to me that this thread has a misleading title. I keeping looking to see if someone is actually having a discussion about the Middle East, but all I ever see are filtered news items related to violence perpetrated by people of Middle Eastern descent.

Perhaps a title change is in order. I can think of a few good ones.

Gee imagine having stories about people from the middle east in the middle east thread. Shocking and strange behaviour.

It occurs to me that this thread has a misleading title. I keeping looking to see if someone is actually having a discussion about the Middle East, but all I ever see are filtered news items related to violence perpetrated by people of Middle Eastern descent.

Perhaps a title change is in order. I can think of a few good ones.

Gee imagine having stories about people from the middle east in the middle east thread. Shocking and strange behaviour.

I was wondering whether I should start a thread entitled “Non-Middle East Discussion” and just post everything I find in there that is horrible about humanity - but thought the better of it. Besides - I would miss your participation :slight_smile: