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The back story to how they got and used johns voice is interesting. Needed the tech from Get Back to isolate the recording. They have released this short video on it all.


Totally agree

I like free as a bird, but this song is just like their documentary, Get Back…half assed!

Free as a bird, Real love, now and then.

Is that a Danish film?


It’s not so much that I find it tacky, more that the concept of them trawling through Lennon’s rough demos to find something to tart up is a bit… I dunno… beneath them. And all three of the post-Beatles songs were seriously rough demos… Lennon and a piano sounding like they were recorded on a Tandy Realistic radio-cassette player using a 20 year-old D120 cassette…

I mean, these are songs that he never bothered with himself. Given some of the utter guff that he did for some unknown reason see fit to record properly, these must’ve been pretty bloody low in his estimation.

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Sorry. Wrong thread…moving

Thanks for the recommendations will give them a listen!

This one is my fav, when the guitar comes back after the horns it’s just magical and brings you back from another dimension. Sorry for the Spotify link but need to make sure it’s the right version.

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I have heard that one a few times over the journey, but not for a long time.

Yoko found it and sent it to Paul to see if he could maybe create something from it. George and Ringo were very happy to get involved.

On a side note: Ringo does not look his age


Good to see Yoko and Paul were able to work together on this, as they weren’t on very good terms for decades.

Sean and Paul are pretty close and have spent a lot of time together.


I think the 1977 demo has such a great spareness and rawness to it that it hits more on an emotional level, but the ‘23 Now and Then is done very well. I like the song, it’s slight in changes here but the main leading verse/refrain is strong.


It’s a plain and pretty song that Lennon got good at late in his career, but it doesn’t sound like a Beatles song.
And it ain’t no Beautiful Boy.

more from my insanely talented nephew Reginald AK who’s doing a few tracks on this bamboos new album

I’ve been getting into a bit of the old classical music lately.



Goshdarn DT is underrated…