Music You've Been Listening To

If heavy is to your taste, then

I kind of ignored the last Alice In Chains album Rainier Fog. On face value, it seemed to be much the same as the other post-Layne albums just with less hooks.

For whatever reason, I picked it out to listen to over the weekend. Itā€™s goodā€¦ it might even be the best of the post-Layne albums (all of which have their own highlights). This song is a crackerā€¦ the perfect album closerā€¦


Voices is my favourite AIC song by a long, long way.
And Whale and Wasp is second by just as far.

Note that as weird and spontaneous as the Monk dance seems to be, heā€™s back at the keys the moment Charlie Rouse ends his solo.


Going nuts on the Enz right now.
Was it only production that stopped this being massive?

Niche, but was so shocked to learn this was an Enz song.

Man, theyā€™re good.
So, so, so good.

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Have you heard the Eddie Rayner remix of this album from around 10-12 years ago?
It was in the Enz To Enz box set which I picked up on EBay for a song a few years back.

Beats the original mix hands down. Iā€™m not generally a fan of these modern remixes which effectively tamper with history, but this particular one was much, much better.

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I havenā€™t.
I will.

I got a fantastic charlie rouse record from the Strata East label. Two is One. Quite funky at times.

I love all those late 60s early 70s sorta underground jazz labels. Strata East, Black Jazz and Tribe. So much wondeful stuff


Not familiar with this one and only given it the briefest of scans since your posting but will definitely give it a decent listening soon. More up tempo than anything heā€™d have encountered with Monk, who terrrorised so many soloists with his slow to mid tempo approach, especially drummers itā€™s said who were forced to fill in with slow tempo solos when Monk decided to waltz about the stage, but can certainly still hear the Monk vibe throughout. Rouse played with Monk for over a decade and itā€™s hard to imagine anyone could encounter old flat hand and not be seriously affected.

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No but Iā€™d like to hear it. Any links online that you know of?

you being an AIC fan has blown me away.

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Not sure.
Itā€™s the 2006 remaster of Frenzy youā€™re after, only it was a full remix (not just a remaster). Had a quick look on YouTube. There seems to be the odd song but not the whole album.

He also remixed Corroboree on that same box set, though that one is much less noticeable.

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Just arrived back in metro Manilla, late last night. Ended up having dinner at midnight and did some couch surfing. This morning l woke up to some great refried funk. I like this more than the original funk.

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@Doggatron ā€¦you might like this one mate


Iā€™m not big on Glass, but this trackā€¦
I donā€™t know what it is.
Obviously first listen I thought it was tedious, but the more I heard it, let those repeating phrases, pauses, just beā€¦
Thereā€™s tension and romance andā€¦
I like it.

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Going through all my Wrappeds to make a best of Wrapped playlist.
Iā€™m onto 2017, when I went nuts for instrumentals.

I really, really like this track.
The riff is good, and the lead is fine.
But itā€™s the echo on the kick drum for me.

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I donā€™t care.
I donā€™t care that itā€™s a complete betrayal of who they were.
I donā€™t care that theyā€™re trying to be INXS.
Why wouldnā€™t you?

Itā€™s a great song.
Perfect for the time (okay, maybe two years too late). It should have broken them.

I like it.
A lot.
I like Happy Birthday IBM, and I like this.
Sue me.

Edit: alsoā€¦Wendy Matthewsā€¦


In another lifetime l once lost out in the pursuit of a girl to Split Enz drummer Crombie. I recall the event, but now l canā€™t recall the girl. She wasnā€™t the only one l lost to a rock star.