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Mine is What You Need.
Made two strangers two decades apart tell me they thought it was him.
Must have some ridiculous repetitive muscle memory for that particular song, because it sure as hell doesn’t work for anything else.

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Big Pig were always known for the depth of their drum sound, it was the stand out feature of their music. Well that and the silly aprons.

I’m listening to them right now, and I’m so mad that they didn’t break the US.
The vocalist had some lungs.
wtf do you Want???

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Give over…a bucket load of artists/bands way better than Big Pig didn’t break into the US market.

Oh, trust me…
I have a list.

But that the US didn’t roll out the red carpet after Breakaway…

Would it surprise you that I don’t have single Big Pig track on my playlist (of approximately 25,000 songs)

I’ve never really rated them.

I mean, sure.
I’m not asking you to rate them in all time best songs.
I’m asking you to rate them against pop/and-or female vocal talent circa 1988.

I suppose the answer to that is I don’t rate them that much given that I have none of their music on my playlist.

Well I guess my question is whether you think that track deserved to be a top ten US track in 1988.

Well, that depends on whether you mean it should’ve been a US Top 10 track because it’s simply a good song, or because it likely was better than anything in the US Top 10.

Should it have done better than Electric Blue there? Fark yes!!!

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Speaking of Icehouse, this is my fave track of theirs.

Right at the cusp.
Obviously tried with ‘Sidewalk’ but…this is the track.
The last track of Australian Ichouse.

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I’ve seen Don’t Change cited as the last Australian INXS track, and I can’t really argue with that.

I guess Jimmy Barnes’ was the original Daylight?

Edit: I have serious issues with Barnes’ solo career after You’ve Got Nothing I Want.

Hold On for the Models.

Yep, Measure for Measure is a pretty good album (except Baby You’re So Strange which is Bowie-aping guff…)

Then came Crazy which was just Ok.

Then Electric Blue which was… absolutely dire…

Bill and Ted’s gave Big Pig some longevity i guess. They are probably remembered by more people in the US than their chart position would show. Did they capitalise on Breakaway in Aus/NZ? I don’t seem to remember much coming after that.

Oh, that’s cruel.
He’d always been aping Bowie.
No Promises is no worse than Sister.

Dusty Pages was his toe in the water.
Electric Blue and Crazy and that entire album was a cannonball.

And Baby still rocks.

That’s true, but he always held it in reasonable check. That song was pure aping… be it Bowie, Bolan, whatever… it has no tune, and it’s really weak.

Imma stand up for that track.
Bowie never swang like that.
[citation needed]

Edit: Sister, Street Cafe, No Promises I will absolutely give you.

You likey, or no likey?